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  1. fair play u remind me ov zd7 days
  2. what if you only can afford a pc laptop with 1, 2gb of ram then smaller builds give u the option to run theses builds and still install office and when you shut down all crap is gone thats if you run in ram, there is a few very lite programs to assist you i still have copy's to make the vhd files along with the drivers, what does running in ram harm? not being funny just giving the people with less spending an option what will not ruin there pc laptop!!
  3. the mackyreddy these are insane builds from a very pop guy to run in ram or full enjoy....x32 install wim is 343 MB an gets smaller 4 barebone!!!!!
  4. Untrue ricktendo are you saying my original HP pre SP1 key will activate an SP1 iso of the same (home premium x64)
  5. i find just using dism from a cmd prompt (run as admin) is very easy to add all msu and cab files and maybe your product key and drivers to an offline image (will handle Win 8, 8.1 also) i know this has been covered before everywhere!!! might help others though! :prop: make 4 folders 1=win7 (to contain your Windows 7 files from dvd extracted) 2=mount (the folder dism will mount to) 3=integration (inside make the 4th folder below) 4=x64 (or could be x32) use the following cmd's of course changing the drive letter to the right drive my case c (adding all the folders to the root of the drive) i quickly open task manager and change the priority of Dism.exe & DismHost.exe to high for faster install 1= dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\win7\sources\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mount 2= dism /image:c:\mount /add-package /packagepath:c:\integration\x64 (will add all updates inside that folder 1 after the other) also set your product key with this dism /image:c:\mount /set-productkey:?????-?????-?????-?????-????? you could also add drivers with this below making another folder inside integration 1=Drivers cmd's 1= mkdir c:\mount\Drivers 2= xcopy c:\integration\Drivers\* c:\mount\Drivers\ /cherkyi
  6. darky replied to cstrine13's post in a topic in Win Toolkit
    Download gimagex run go to Export tab browse to your install.wim you used with win toolkit select the image you can check if you press select button, Destination desktop call it install.wim make sure the Compression is Maximum leave name blank go to bottom and then hit Export this will export your wim and get rid of all the files left over by win toolkit replace this wim with your old one if you use 7.zip open it you will see all left over files are gone
  7. darky commented on Legolash2o's comment on a file in Various
    Does what u said it does an yes it does help an will help people who use this!!
  8. Easy way unpin win media player from task bar start menu go to windows media player program files (not x86) wmplayer.exe then pin that to task bar and start menu you can still use the reg tweak above though to makesure