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  1. Legolash2o Send my version :lock:
  2. Legolash2o Send my version 48 :lock:
  3. Legolash2o Send my version 45 :lock:
  4. Works!!! Take a command file with this code ... and run command: Code: @echo off taskkill /im explorer.exe /f >nul reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop" /v IconSize /t REG_DWORD /d 00000032 /f start %windir%\explorer.exe >nul exit PS: REG_DWORD /d 00000032 last 2 digits edit to size u want ... ie. 32;48;64 ...etc.
  5. sent a email admin@wincert.net
  6. 1. I can not encrypt the localized file, I have failed. I sent you a file by e-mail 2. Do not resolved the issue with this setting
  7. Legolash2o Version 44 works very well! Even WinToolkitRunOnce works in the Russian version!. Well done! :dancing:
  8. Legolash2o
  9. Legolash2o In version 42 it works well :dancing:
  10. I want to add all the files at once in the list of manual installation. But the option "Force install" and all files are added to this section. In the future, it is impossible to change anything. For this purpose it is necessary that the option "Force install" by default has been disabled Watch the video:
  11. The elements are not deleted! Watch the video:
  12. In version 41 you can not remove items from the section "Always install" In addition,
  13. Legolash2o When you're unblocked resources? :lock: