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Everything posted by loginvovchyk

  1. Legolash2o Send my version :lock:
  2. Legolash2o Send my version 48 :lock:
  3. Legolash2o Send my version 45 :lock:
  4. Works!!! Take a command file with this code ... and run command: Code: @echo off taskkill /im explorer.exe /f >nul reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop" /v IconSize /t REG_DWORD /d 00000032 /f start %windir%\explorer.exe >nul exit PS: REG_DWORD /d 00000032 last 2 digits edit to size u want ... ie. 32;48;64 ...etc.
  5. sent a email admin@wincert.net
  6. 1. I can not encrypt the localized file, I have failed. I sent you a file by e-mail 2. Do not resolved the issue with this setting
  7. Legolash2o Version 44 works very well! Even WinToolkitRunOnce works in the Russian version!. Well done! :dancing:
  8. Legolash2o
  9. Legolash2o In version 42 it works well :dancing:
  10. I want to add all the files at once in the list of manual installation. But the option "Force install" and all files are added to this section. In the future, it is impossible to change anything. For this purpose it is necessary that the option "Force install" by default has been disabled Watch the video:
  11. The elements are not deleted! Watch the video:
  12. In version 41 you can not remove items from the section "Always install" In addition,
  13. Legolash2o When you're unblocked resources? :lock:
  14. uploaded: http://file.karelia.ru/z68rj8/ or give any name of your installation Russian name and it will not be installed
  15. *AIO #Silent Installs Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86::N/A (Not Needed);NO;4.07 MB;E:\TEST\UPDATE32\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x86.msu;Always Installed .Net FrameWork 4.5::-aiqKu;NO;97.29 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\.Net FrameWork 4.5.exe;Prompt Install 7-Zip 9.20::-aix -gm2 -fm0;NO;2.23 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\7-Zip 9.20.exe;Prompt Install ACDSeePro-5-3-168::-ais;NO;30.94 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\ACDSeePro-5-3-168.exe;Prompt Install Adobe Flash 11.3.300.265::;NO;8.79 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Adobe Flash 11.3.300.265.exe;Prompt Install AdРѕbe Reader 10.2.0::-ais;NO;38.96 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\AdРѕbe Reader 10.2.0.exe;Prompt Install AIMP 3.10.1065::/VERYSILENT /nocheck /norestart;NO;13.31 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\AIMP 3.10.1065.exe;Prompt Install Classic Shell 3.5.1::/qn;NO;8.18 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Classic Shell 3.5.1.exe;Prompt Install DirectX::-y -gm2 -fm0;NO;26.19 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\DirectX.exe;Prompt Install ESET NOD;NO;67.55 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\ESET NOD;Prompt Install Firefox 15::-ms;NO;17.79 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Firefox 15.exe;Prompt Install Google Chrome 20.0.1132.57::;NO;27.71 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Google Chrome 20.0.1132.57.exe;Prompt Install K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 9.02::/VERYSILENT;NO;23.01 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 9.02.exe;Prompt Install MS Office 2010 SP1::-aiW;NO;970.63 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\MS Office 2010 SP1.exe;Prompt Install Nero 10.2.1100::/S;NO;19.49 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Nero 10.2.1100.exe;Prompt Install Opera 12.1467::-y -gm2 -fm0;NO;13.44 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Opera 12.1467.exe;Prompt Install RadikalFoto::-gm2 -fm0;NO;271.02 KB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\RadikalFoto.exe;Prompt Install Skype_5.10.0.115::-ais;NO;17.03 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Skype_5.10.0.115.exe;Prompt Install TeamViewer 7.0.12799::-ais;NO;5.24 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\TeamViewer 7.0.12799.exe;Prompt Install The Bat! Professional Edition;NO;6.67 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\The Bat! Professional Edition;Prompt Install Total Commander 7.56a::/S;NO;23.02 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Total Commander 7.56a.exe;Prompt Install Активация Total Commander::;NO;1.32 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Активация Total Commander.exe;Prompt Install UltraISO -gm2 -fm0;NO;1.53 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\UltraISO;Prompt Install Universal Extractor -gm2 -fm0;NO;4.89 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Universal Extractor;Prompt Install utorrent;NO;2.16 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\utorrent;Prompt Install Winamp 5.63.3235::/qn;NO;14.47 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Winamp 5.63.3235.exe;Prompt Install WinRAR 4.20::-y -gm2 -fm0;NO;2.24 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\WinRAR 4.20.exe;Prompt Install WinSnap 4.05::;NO;1.27 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\WinSnap 4.05.exe;Prompt Install Рндикатор сетевой активности::/VERYSILENT;NO;871.09 KB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Рндикатор сетевой активности.exe;Prompt Install Активация_Windows::;NO;3.03 MB;E:\TEST\PROGRAMM\Активация_Windows.exe;Always Installed #Tweaks I understand why not processed silent install Winrar. The names of installers contain Russian characters and WinToolkit not understand them. PS: Black color is just the name of the installers that contain Russian characters
  16. WinToolkitRunOnce not handle SFX-archives created with WinRAR, as silent installers during the installation of Windows and ignores them. RtLite handles these files and install on the system :type:
  17. Add the configuration for the desktop: 1. Large Icons 2. Normal Icons 3. Small icons 1. Large Icons 2. Normal Icons 3. Small icons
  18. Legolash2o Send me an unlocked version WinToolkit 38 at loginvovchyk@rambler.ru
  19. Integrating language pack IE in version 38 was successful! :dancing:
  20. Legolash2o Да, все работает отлично! :dancing:
  21. Version 37 not integrates language pack Internet Explorer step 1: step 2: step 3: The program version 37 WinToolkit does not integrate language pack IE . So, first I use LPIntegrator, which integrates all the updates, including language packs IE, and then WinToolkit for other tasks LPIntegrator.zip
  22. Legolash2o The latest versions (35,36) work fine except for the integration of language pack, Internet Explorer. The program marks the language pack is green when in fact it is not integrated. Maybe you need to integrate the CAB file instead of the MSU file?
  23. Thanks, I'll wait :dancing: