[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Win Toolkit is available. http://www.wintoolkit.co.uk/Home/TestBuilds/
Forums upgraded
Thank you abbodi1406. My bookmark that worked before the migration and forums upgrade returns "Error 404. Page not found!" And like i said, all of my searches find nothing.
Forums upgraded
Does anybody know what happened to rhahgleuhargh's Windows 7 updates? All of my searches find nothing.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Thank you for your updates. Win Toolkit version rejects KB976002-x64 and KB976002-x86. "Exception: Not compatible with SP1 (7601): Windows6.1-KB976002-x64.msu" These updates are for IE10 - not for IE11. I am integrating IE11-Windows7-en-us.exe into Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate.
- .NET Framework 4.0
Tested WinToolkit_1.4.33.7_Installer.exe
I don’t like it. I think it is a mistake to install something that works perfectly without being installed. This is especially true when it comes with a boat load of crap ware. You tried to fix something that was not broken.
This is an excellent source of Windows updates. It is updated each month after patch Tuesday. http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10811-14-novembre-2013-packs-de-maj-gdr-pour-windows-7-sp1/
Windows 7 hotfix rollup
An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 http://www.zdnet.com/a-hidden-patch-tuesday-gem-a-windows-7-hotfix-rollup-7000012555/
Download Windows 8
Download critical updates only
I would appreciate x64 & x86 download buttons in the update catalog section that would download only the updates required to satisfy MU after a clean install of W7 with SP1.
KUC VS Legolash2o Update Retriever?
Thank you for your reply. That tool appears to download updates for the "installed OS" not for the WIM file that I want to update.
KUC VS Legolash2o Update Retriever?
The number 1 post states "ran Legolash2o Update Retriver in the Win Toolkit and it found 127 updates". Can somebody explain how to do that? I do not find that capability in the toolkit. The only update retriever that I find is McRip's 460 updates.
Windows 7 Toolkit Question (name change)
WinToolkit is a thousand times better than WinKit. WinKit gives no clue that it is a tool. WinKit could be a kid’s game about kittens. So why don’t you change it to WinToolkit?
SoLoR Additions Problem
I added the 6 msu files and did not add the 3 cab files. It worked fine.
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