[AddOn] Console 2
Is the asms folder supposed to be in the package? edit:d'oh anyway, is it safe to delete the 5mb folder?
[AddOn] Console 2
Great! Thank you very much!
[request] Console 2
Wow, you're awesome! Thank you! :prop: As for console-here extensions, I recommend send to toys: http://www.gabrieleponti.com/ it is very versatile, customizable and doesn't clutter up the right click menu any further. I myself have made a very lite addon with 'name to clipboard' and 'to cmd' only, which is all I use. It contains the settings and places the two exe files (hidden, so the user will never know) in the sendTo folder itself. However, due to the EULA, I can't include the two files in the archive If anyone is interested, I can send the addon FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY if you contact me through PM. Come to think of it, I'm attempting to contact the author and perhaps he will grant some sort of permission... Sorry for off-topicness :]
[request] Console 2
Sorry for misposting
[request] Console 2
Console 2 is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles. Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43764 gHacks review: http://www.ghacks.net/2008/06/09/console-2-a-better-cmdexe/ Could someone make an addon so console 2 would completely replace cmd? Thank you for any input in advance.
[SVCPACK] 2 in 1 QTAddressBar and QTTabBar
OK I give up, where's the d/l link ?
[AddOn] QT Address Bar v0.9.5
The switch on both programs is /q.
[AddOn] QT Address Bar v0.9.5
So what's the point of this addon if you have to install it yourself?
[AddOn] QT Address Bar v0.9.5
You only include the setup somewhere, no installation, doesn't work!
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