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jimmsta reacted to nonno fabio in [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon CreatorDXUPAC Update (2016)
Update (2016)
Update (2016)
Update (2016)
Update (2016)
Video tutorial: how to create your localized Onepiece's UpdatePack (and IE, WMP11 or Silverlight Addons) with DXUPAC
This tool allows you to create a localized UpdatePack or Addon, simply following these steps:
Place in a folder (source folder) the complete source already updated with the latest Service Pack and exactly all the hotfix installers and additional components listed in Onepiece's AIO UpdatePack topics (for XP and 2003 UpdatePacks) or the setup file and all the eventually needed hotfix installers (for Addons). UpdatePack INTL Files or UpdatePack INTL Files you can find the needed hotfixes updated lists for the 24 main XP localizations..
If you are creating UpdatePacks, you need add in source folder the following addons:
netfx 3.5 gdr addon
netfx 4.0 gdr addon
Starting from June release you must also add this addon in source folder
in place of install_flash_player_ax.exe file, because Flash installer doesn't support anymore 7-Zip.
Run DXUPAC.exe with the needed settings and the path of source folder.
When finished, you get your own localized addon/pack in 7z format, WU-compliant. The only thing missing will be your localized .net 3.5/4 language packs . You can add them too using Svcpack addons you can build with another easy tool available here . You need only to place in same directory dotnetfx35langpack_x86**.exe and dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86**.exe files you'll get from Microsoft and run.
Only for Unicode language XP users (like ARA, CHS, CHT, ELL, HEB, JPN, KOR, RUS): you should update manually the TimeZone Hotfix lines as DXUPAC is not able to to take out lines in local language so they are created in English. You need to extract latest TimeZone KB (you find them under [TZ_KBLAST.AddReg]) and update all lines from Argentina_Display=* to Yakutsk_Display in Strings section.
Trust me: creating an Onepiece's localized AIO UpdatePack need only a few clicks. So please don't ask for ready-to-use UpdatePacks, you can do it by yourself, we really got no time to rebuild 24 different updatepacks every month. Thank you for your comprehension.
Universal Creator can also integrate Service Pack 3 inside XP MCE 2005. Follow these steps (some screen are from italian XP but they are easily comprehensible):
Thanks to Yumeyao for his suggestions.
Please be tolerant if something is not enough clearly stated. It's more easier to run than explain how it works
485 Visual Styles for MS Windows XP and 2003!
Extraction Dialog Box: (Will show at the t-13\t-12 installation phase of windows)
Zune2007 ZuneNOIR Zwart 7 75 A1 A1Gaia AB1 Addy Blue Aero Concepts Aero Style Aero Style (Glass - Beta 1) Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2) Aero Style (Glass) Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1) Aero Style (Vista - Beta 2) Aero UI (Day) Aero UI (Night) Aero Vista Aero7 Aero4067 Aero5203 AeroGreen AeroXP AeroXP2 Aeroz Alduin2b Alduin2br Alduin2d Alduin2g Alduin2p ALFA Alliance Allure ALPHAX AmberGlow AmigaXP Anarchy Angelic Anger Aqua Loop Aqua MSN Aqua Plus Aqua2003 AquaAero AquaLuna AquaSeven Aquatica ASDQ AurielB AurielG AurielP Aurora AurorarionEN B-A-B-Y-B-L-U Balder Beacon Beige Bikini Black Black Longhorn Black Luna BlackBlue BlackGold BlackIce BlackLite Blackmin Blackpro5 BlackWhite BlackXP Blanco BlandXP Blange Blaver Blink Blood Orb Black Blood Orb Blue Blood Orb Red Blue Chrome BlueHeart Blueple Bluever Bluever2 BluMod BlynkNET Bose Classic Bosumi BPanther Brownies BTD2 Bugatti ProBlue Butterfly Calypso CarbonZ CatalystVS CatalystVS_Blue Celestial Celluloid Censf Aurora ChaNinjaStyle_RC5 ChaNinjaStyle_RC5_Bonus CheStyle Chivalry Chromium Classic ClearAlt Clearlk06 Cobra Codigo Web 2 - Blue ColdFusion XP 2 Concave Convergence CoolXP4 Corona CougDrop2 Crimson Crystal Clear Crystal Clear Aero Crystal dlb 2 Crystal dlb BE Crystal Milk CrystalAero CrystalThin Cubic Custom DarkBlue Live DarkLibar DarkRealm DarkSteel DarkWall Davd DaVinci Dazzle Dazzler DE DeepSix Depth To Darkness Descent Destiny Deviant Diamond Doxo DragonStyle Dream DreamLH Dreams DRStyle Dry Blue DZVista Pink Element Elusive Embedded Energy Blue Estiloluna Everaldo2 EverDawn Evil Red eXistenZ Exodo FalcoXp Fierce Fiesta Fin Fin2 Fire First Foilcover Forever Blue ForeverBlue2 G2 Garam M Geeks GirlsHINA Gix Blue Glitz GlitzPM Gold Line GoldCoast GoldMOD Gondor Got2Go Gray Green Greenxp GreyOb GSVista GuiAirB1 GUIRelax HinaKeita Hydranb Hydrand Hydrandb Hydrang Hydranp Hydrans Ice IceWater IE8 InsetRed Inspirat Inspirat2 Inspirational Royale InspiratSE InspiratSECompakt Jackie Chan Blue Jackie Chan Red Jade Style Jaded Perspective Jumjibar Kamino KayPeeOne KCChiefs KDE Kimbra Kremit Kriss Kriss 2 Krystal lcds LE Lebis LebisBlc LebisBlu LED Legends LegendsII LegendsIII LegendsIV Leopard LINER LiQuidskY Live Live Theme Logi Loki07 Longhorn Longhorn Aero LonghornPro LowertXPd LuderB LuderBr LuderG LuderP Luna (Longhorn Revolution) Luna Basic Luna Lite Luna Royale Luna3cm LunaInsg LunaInsp LunaInspg LunaMaqXP LunarBlue LunaVX Luxor Mac OS Smooth Mac OS X Machine Magic maloksan MaquaLuna Mar Del Plata Matrix Plex 2 MCC MegaManX MetaBlood Metal Gear Solid 3 Metallic Green MetallicShades2 Michelle Midnight MidniteXP Milk Milk2 MindWood Mint Misfit Mission ModBlue mrs mix blue MRSCLEAR MRSDESERT MRSFORE MRSGLASS MRSLight mrsmixbl MRSSILVER MS Windows Max msn MtlBlade Muin Mutsumi MV5720 MX5 Natural Neowin New XP LiveBlack New XP LiveGreen NewHuman Newroyale NewXP Nexus NightElf NightMove Noozii nuvista NX01 nxPro Oboy Obsidian Oceano Octalized OddWood OdessaXP Office 2007 OminOS OneFlag Onision Online OpusOS OSXP OSXP1 OutWorld Palladium PantherS Passion Patriotic PC Blue Night PC Dark V5 PCPurpleN Pearl Pearl (full start panel) PHANTOM PHENOM Pipeline Plastic Plasticaa Platinum Platinum Mist Remix Plex Black Plex Style Plex Style (Media Center Edition) Plex Style I Plex Style II Plex4015 Plexiglas v2 Powerpuff PRFF Pristine Pucko Purple Purple Taz Quantum QuickSilver Raptor Real Graphite Real Silver Recall 6.6 Basic Recall 6.6 Enterprise Recall 6.6 Ultimate RedDragon Redvista_?? RedXP Reflections Reielle reubenB RhodiumX Rino Royal Full Start Menu Royal Inspirat Royal_Five_Color_Mod RoyalAIO RoyalAIO (compact) Royale Royale Glass Royale Noir Royale06 RoyaleVista2 RoyaleVista2Blue RoyalFour RoyalInsLong RoyalInsMac RoyalMod RVHybrid RVistaC SapphireMOD Season Sentinel_A Sentinel_B Seven Seven Ultimate Black SevenVG SevenVG Refresh SevenXP Shadow Shine Signs Simple Life Simplex3 Simplex6 SlanXP3 Slate Athens Slate PDC Slate Refresh Slate XP SLIVdark Soft Silver Spectra SplintGF SplintWF Static View Stolen StrangeWorld Studio28 SubStyle SunSetBall Sustenance Compact TallyHawk Teknika TenerVS Thallos The Abyss 2 The Blue Trax Trekgrey Trippin true tuxedo TXSG Tyro Vertigo Vista Vista 360 Vista Aero v1.1 rhp Vista LE 1.0 VistaCG vistags VistaLive Yellow Vistaluna Basic VistaMize VistaPerfection Vistaseve VistaVG VistaVG Black VistaVG Blue Refresh VistaVG Ultimate VistaXP VISTize VitreoA VitreoN VS7 Vseven War3ORC WatercolorLite WE WE Olive Whistler Schnapps white christmas Win7 Wind7 Windows 7 Windows 7 M1 VS Windows MAX V4 Windows Media Player 11 Windows Vista Windows Vista style Windows Xp Style Wood Windows7 WinSeven WinVista WinXPEvo wipPDC wipWMP WMP11 Wood Xanadu Ximian XoddX XP WMP 11 XPAmp XPBlack XPLiveor YinYang Zion Zune Download the whole Effing thing here!!!
Size = 76.8 megs MD5 Hash = 6e49d1cbad5663363d863f10e68c64f1
Extract for the switchelss!
Rebuilt Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Full x86/x64 Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/dotnet451rpck
Size: 97.6 MB
MD5: cd10ddbc64b06f57d143d5c11b6ea47e
Rebuilt Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ARA CHS CHT CSY DAN DEU ELL ESN FIN FRA HEB HUN ITA JPN KOR NLD NOR PLK PTB PTG RUS SVE TRK)
Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/dotnet451intrpck
Size: 284 MB
MD5: 06cd3fc0fc190631297c969ddaf713ac
Individual Rebuilt Language Packs:
Hotfix list:
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2014/2015, Microsoft Visual F# 2.0, Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Same as above but excludes F# & J# runtimes
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own installer
Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker):http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxSilent "No GUI" SFX alternative v4:http://adf.ly/1713566/visualsfxngKB2538242 MST Windows Update fix v1.7:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix5mstKB2538243 MST Windows Update fix v3:http://adf.ly/1713566/wufix8mstMsiTran.Exe -a <transform>.MST <installer>.MSI:http://adf.ly/1713566/msitranSlim down your vcredist 2005/2008 installers:http://adf.ly/1713566/msislim"Extra" Visual Basic/C runtimes installer sourceshttp://adf.ly/1713566/vbcsourceIf you cant find a hotfix try using the KB number w/ this URLhttp://support2.microsoft.com/hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=1234567 Hotfix list
Also includes:
name version/*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Runtimes -----------------------------------*/ comct232.ocx picclp32.ocx*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Runtimes (16bit) ----------------------------*/vb40016.dll <none>vbrun200.dll*-- Microsoft Visual Basic Virtual Machine -----------------------------*/msvbvm50.dll*-- Microsoft Visual C Runtimes ----------------------------------------*/atl70.dll 7.0.9975.0atl71.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc70.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70chs.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70cht.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70deu.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70enu.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70esp.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70fra.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70ita.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70jpn.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70kor.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc70u.dll 7.0.9975.0mfc71.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71chs.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71cht.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71deu.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71enu.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71esp.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71fra.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71ita.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71jpn.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71kor.dll 7.10.6119.0mfc71u.dll 7.10.6119.0msvci70.dll 7.0.9955.0msvcp70.dll 7.0.9466.0msvcp71.dll 7.10.6052.0msvcr70.dll 7.0.9981.0msvcr71.dll 7.10.7031.4msvcrt10.dll <none>