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    *Daniel reacted to Jan Krohn in Microsoft SHA1 Hash Archive no have 1809   
    Sorting into Product ID/Family ID still not working. But at least the data is there.
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    *Daniel reacted to Jan Krohn in Microsoft SHA1 Hash Archive no have 1809   
    Actually, I wrote a new script today, and have the dump here. Just trying to get the new data format into the db. Hopefully it's not gonna take much longer.
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    *Daniel reacted to Legolash2o in Sorry   
    Sorry i haven't been on much in the past couple of days, went home to visit my parents for 2-3 days.
    Also i had to take my laptop apart to clean it as it was overheating and shut itself down whilst playing Sniper Elite V2, its idle temp was 79C and under load could burn my hand.
    Anyways now that's cleaned it's now operating at 45C idle and 75C when playing Sniper Elite so a big improvement