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    sihom reacted to tr011_tmn in [Slim] doPDF 8.2.929 installer   
    Information: doPDF is a free PDF creator that does what the name suggests, creates PDF files. Once installed it will allow you to convert any type of printable documents to PDF files. doPDF installs itself as a virtual PDF printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list and also in the list of All Programs.
    Reduced the size of the installer. Preserved the structure of the original msi, in order to avoid errors.
    [Current build] Changes in doPDF 8.2.929 (2-March-2015)

    Fix: First print from Internet Explorer had errors in certain situations Fix: Various other minor fixes
    Changes in doPDF 8.2.927 (10-February-2015)

    Various fixes for errors occurring during installation 1bit images are now correctly converted Distributing and using forms on client computers was not working correctly
    Changes in doPDF 8.1.923 (27-January-2015)

    Several fixes for installation errors were included in the past two builds
    Changes in doPDF 8.1.921 (16-December-2014)

    When installation fails users can send log files to support Corrections for client computers when converting via the addin for Microsoft Office "The language not corresponds to the loaded files" error corrected  
    installation options:
    doPDF.exe - Automatic installation doPDF + NovaPDF Driver + Office AddIn
    doPDF.exe -ai - Automatic installation doPDF + NovaPDF Driver
    doPDF.exe -ai1 - Automatic installation of Office AddIn if needed
    Supported OS: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008/2003/2000 Server (32/64-bit)
    Slim doPDF 8.0.921 Eng installer x86/x64
    Download: https://yadi.sk/d/H5ntn72-ezLwC
    Size: 10.6 MB (savings of 30 MB on your HDD)
    MD5: 739096485D99A728B21C124DB99866DF
    Slim doPDF 8.0.921 Rus installer x86/x64
    Download: https://yadi.sk/d/7SCVEv4_ezLvf
    Size: 10.6 MB (savings of 30 MB on your HDD)
    MD5: 82081C3E3583B20D1990CAD48A0CCFE9