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amomp3 reacted to MeltManBob in Getting started extravaganza - DocumentedIntegration - Windows Updates
amomp3 reacted to MeltManBob in Getting started extravaganza - DocumentedHey guys I figured with as much head bashing as I've done in the past few days I may as well try to document this at the very least for myself and hopefully it will be useful to someone else when they start. I know that as you learn new things it can sometimes be difficult to remember exactly how your mind looked at things before you understood them so I want to get started before I'm too far disconnected from where I started. As always I would appreciate advice.
Goals: 1 ) Integrate
a ) Windows Updates
b ) Drivers
c ) Software - Adobe Air, Flash, etc. (McRipSF)
d ) Programs/Apps/Games
2 ) Remove things I don't use, want or need - ideally trimmed as much as possible for me, realistically stability > size and then refine as I go
3 ) Basic Tweaks - start menu programs folder organizing, what appears in start menu, taskbar pinned programs, sys tray notifications, taskbar thumbnail preview hover time, assign directories to general libraries such as music, pictures, video etc.
4 ) Cosmetic Customization - Themes, custom theme, Rainmeter, advanced tweaks
This is slightly modified from the first thread I started and I should mention that part of the reason for starting this thread is to not clutter the first with information that is not related and to not bother compstuff's integration thread with my problems. I will reserve the first few posts so that I can segment these accordingly and just update them so the useful information is easy to find and I'll let the rest of the posts just follow along as I go.
amomp3 reacted to billybully in Windows 7 Extreme Lite?Well, if you're still interested, I reduced a 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 ISO to just 697 MB (I could have reduced it even more, because I didn't optimized the boot.wim). And it works like a charm.
amomp3 reacted to JCM in Dudas Consultas Ayuda 7Hola, tienes que descomprimir los driverpacks y agregarlos, pero cuidado! con los que agregas, yo he tenido algunos problemas al integrar unos drivers (una vez instalado el el Win7) creo que eran los HID, por eso no he puesto en el tuto el tema de agregar drivers..necesito mas pruebas...pero bueno ya lo haré..
mira aqui:
no es necesario ni recomendable meter muchos drivers por muchos motivos...una tentativa seria: Chipset, Lan, WLan, Masstorage..