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  1. Well, is it possible to get this in other languages? Sounds pretty interessting
  2. That would be nice, if you can make the OT Adress Bar "compatible" with the Styler. But i think that's difficult =/
  3. Oh... but the sidebar is coming sometimes "over" other windows oO hmm, i don't know why oO maybe because some webradio gadget oO
  4. Too bad, that MS had not implemented a function, to keep the sidebar only on the desktop.
  5. It works, thanks Rick :thumb_yello: nice work^^
  6. Oh, err sorry. It says, "The application couldn't be initialized (0xc0000135). Click on "OK" to close the application". Everytime i click on okay, the popup comes again, but the sidebar runs in background, just this messenger gadget give me this popups all over again (bad english, i know -.-)
  7. I've got an error when i tried to use the Live Messenger Gadget from the package, waht's wrong with that?