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Everything posted by rallyart

  1. Seem like 1.3.2 was just released yesterday http://rocketdock.com/index.php?option=com...2&Itemid=13 Changelog [1.3.2] * Fixed garbled INI files being created on Win2k * Fixed Arguments not being evaluated for Environment Variables * Fixed buffer overflow in the asyncronous ShellExecute code... This should fix crashing when dragging large amounts of files into the dock. * Fixed incorrect centering when on the Left or Right side of the monitor * Fixed stuck skins when booting in Vista * Fixed a thread handle being closed twice when launching icons, this was throwing an exception * Fixed Docklet bug that was "freezing" the dock with the iCal docklet * Fixed Docklet bug that was preventing docklets from showing the default Icon Settings window * Fixed Docklets losing their character encoding when converting to and from Unicode (hopefully) * Fixed "Open Running" being enabled for docklet settings * Fixed some windows having a problem being restored from "Open Running Instance" * Fixed fonts being improperly clipped * Changed the two "load defaults?" dialogs to be "yes/no" instead of "ok/cancel" * Added some usefull info to generated debug files * Updated the CC license to 3.0
  2. great little program....thank you for providing the latest version :thumbsup_anim: