Everything posted by wiktorynka
Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Are @OnePiece and @nonnofabio planning an absolute final release? 1. OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.10.0 FINAL 2. OnePiece WinXP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2019.04.xx It is worth celebrating this beautiful system in this way. A lot of updates came out. Finally, the support ends.
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL
HUGE Bug in WT
I confirm the bug. Repeat the same update repeatedly.
- [AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
[Tool] DX Tool x86/x64
Thank you for a great tool. Now in version is all right. P.S. Why your servers are 3 different versions of DXTool Is differ only in the degree of compression?
[Tool] DX Tool x86/x64
DXTool x64 generates bad checksums for files larger than 4GB. Are different from those generated by Hashcheck and eXpress CheckSum Calculator - that are compatible. For files larger than 4GB all the sum of each program are consistent. Repeatedly tested on Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1. Tested on ISO images systems.
- Java SilentInstaller/SvcpackAddon Creator
- Java SilentInstaller/SvcpackAddon Creator
Windows Search 4.0 True AddOn ITA
I know and I use DXUPAC and OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.2 FINAL PLK. However, the menu DXUPAC there is no option to create addon Windows Search 4.0 - which option do I use?
Windows Search 4.0 True AddOn ITA
Can you make this addon PLK with the update KB963093?
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
You can flip somewhere HotfixList and Changelog because it is not available on voidseesaw.com P.S. If I'm not mistaken there is a certain lack of precision between UpdatePack 7.0.0 PLK from you and what is on HotfixList. How unpacked it to a folder missing SVCPACK: KB892130.CAT, KB956588.CAT, KB2436673.CAT. Therefore UpdatePack made by me has a slightly larger size. Although it installs and runs without errors. I have one problem with my made-UpdatePack 7.0.0 - WU wants to download an outdated patch KB2659262. Earlier WU did not want to download the patch. In your UpdatePack 7.0.0 this problem does not occur.
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Replaced the latest updates as hotfixlist and did UpdatePack 7.0.0 PLK. I used the latest available DXUPAC WU downloaded 2 updates I also found one error MSRT v5.2 Preview update UpdatePack The integration I used nLite I used a clear image Win XP Pro SP3 (VLK). Does the error may cause DXUPAC? EDIT: I saw that a new version of DXUPAC - check tomorrow how it works.
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
SFX not installing properly
Integrate the setupcomplete. Sample script cmd: @echo off START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\dotNetFx45LP_Full_x86_x64pl.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\NDP45-KB2737083-x64.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\NDP45-KB2742613-x64.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\NDP45-KB2750147-x64.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\NDP45-KB2789648-x64.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\msxml4-KB2758694-enu.exe /q /norestart START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\rvkroots.exe /q:a /r:n START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Silverlight_x64.exe /q /noupdate START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Windows-KB890830-x64-V4.17.exe /quiet START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Reapers.Adobe.Flash.Player.ActiveX.11.6.602.168.exe START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Reapers.Adobe.Flash.Player.Plugin.11.6.602.168.exe START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Reapers.Adobe.Shockwave.Player. START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\Reapers.Java.Runtime.AIO. START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\DirectX.exe exit Scripts folder containing silent installers and script cmd setupcomplete and put the system image mounted in the Windows \ Setup. Edit for your needs.
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator