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    urie reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444   
    Silent install: /qn (and/or other standard MSI switches, custom settings/options switches listed bellow)
    New: Supported command line switches to add serial number, change installation directory, enable/disable shortcuts, automatic updates, etc. during silent or gui install
    ;;; To add your serial number SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 ;;; To change installation directory INSTALLDIR=<directory> ;;; Add =1 to enable or =0 to disable the following (their <default> state is listed) DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=<disabled> QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=<disabled> STARTMENU_SHORTCUT=<enabled> AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=<disabled> COMPONENTDOWNLOAD=<enabled> DATACOLLECTION=<disabled> Example: If you want to automatically install with serial number and re-enable desktop shortcut & automatic updates
    <vmware-lite>.msi SERIALNUMBER=12345-12345-12345-12345-12345 DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE=1 /qn Optional: Version 11 no longer supports x86 so for 32 bit OS's you need to use version 10: http://adf.ly/1713566/vmwareliteold

    Or you may prefer VirtualBox Lite
    MD5: 4680873df8556af936fae393e471fbe2
    Size: 70.3 MB