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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Updated
  2. Very few win8 updates contain LDR, mostly .net updates
  3. I don't use that particular MSI installer, I use the business version (because it has no update services running in the bg) http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-msi That being said, updated
  4. Busque por la opcion de "wim splitter" http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/8876-wim-splitter/
  5. Removed Mirror, no longer needed. Are you guys using the mirror or main link? Try to see what is the IP you are connected to while downloading, should begin and end with 66.xx.xxx.86
  6. Updated 2.0: KB3013376 4.0: KB3013383
  7. I did, your dns is pointing to the old server, you need to flush dns so that it points to new one
  8. Intente limpiar su cache DNS en su Windows y/o Router
  9. Gonna take some time, installer changed a few things around
  10. Just downloaded, got 4.0.4 Try clearing your DNS
  11. Updated
  12. Crap, forgot msp... FIXED! (INTL did not have this issue so no change to this installer) BTW you do know you only need .net 4.5.x if you are using Windows 7, I only maintain 4.x for XP users
  13. I think its the fact that I don't put .exe, sometimes some computers don't have PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSCWhere it automatically assumes its one of
  14. Was .net framework installed? Check to see if ngen.exe is in that location Maybe its a problem with your system that ngen is not being seen as ngen.exe
  15. 11-25-2014 Add: 3013383
  16. Updated 4.5.2 with KB3011114
  17. Actually they are not custom switches they are native properties of the MSI installer, I simply use a command line in my SFX to launch the installer and if you add switches they will be included. Here is what happens RunProgram="setup /T \"%%T\\install\" /S \"%%T\" /v "AutoInstall="setup /T \"%%T\\install\" /S \"%%T\" /s /nsr /v "As you can see I put /v switch on the very end, this means the switches you run the SFX installer will add to the end of this and /v will take it and pass it on to the MSI (only MSI property stuff is supported) http://serverfault.com/questions/247250/what-does-v-qn-parameter-do-for-windows-silent-installers
  18. ricktendo


    Yola, welcome to the forum
  19. Gracias nito092 @suco, subido upl a mediafire
  20. Agregado KB3011780 Supera KB2478971
  21. Creo que wintoolkit tiene esta opcion
  22. 4.5.3 preview installer updated
  23. Creo que estan hablando de KB3006226, el otro es KB3010788 pero packager.dll no existe en XP, solo veo packager.exe
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