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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Looks like Windows XP language packs
  2. Nah you dont have to delete it, only telling ppl if they want to vote and voted already simply delete vote then re-vote
  3. But then I will never learn...I was too dependent on vLite before, when I was forced to use WAIK is when I realized that its pretty neet tool
  4. Sounds like a cool feature, but how do you then download the compiled addon? BTW in order to vote I had to delete and recast my first vote
  5. Niiiiiiiiice...I just finished doing my first reverse sp1 integration, it takes a very long time (especially when capturing)
  6. So is it possible to add a "Offline Mode" to your CAB Installer?
  7. Well sorta... I like to do things manually with waik but it sucks that most the time only the GDR fixes get installed (unless a previous LDR hotfix is installed before), was wondering what command you use to extract updates that are in CAB form and direct dism to integrate both the MUM files expand ????? & dir /b *.mum etc. etc. Or IDK if its possible for you to add the functionality to CAB Installer to install/integrate in QFE/LDR mode the updates but to a already previously mounted /image:<path>
  8. SoLoR's site is down, he uploaded sp1 to it and the guy who let him host his list pulled the plug...IDK if he will get a new host or if the guy will bring it back online (I guess this is one downside of attaching the program to a site) But I see the program still works, it does not even open up the solor tabs gr8 job
  9. Microsoft is saying to people RTM did not leak, but it does look like RTM to me...MS is lying
  10. Shinseiki86 quedas suspendido por 30 dias por pirata...la proxima es un baneo
  11. Los componentes Fax y iis no son instalados por defecto, no es necesario apagarlos
  12. Has to do with a activex killbit, the updatepack and ie8 addon have a small conflict
  13. Pruebe este método http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/111891-how-can-i-make-avira-antivir-silent-install-what-is-switch/page__view__findpost__p__734770
  14. Uso a nLite con leguaje Ingles, aqui les dejo mi Last Session.ini Env = - 2.0.50727.5024.Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - Español - España (alfabetización internacional) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Multimedia # Music Samples ;# Operating System Options # .NET Framework Manual Install and Upgrade ;# Directories # DOCS SUPPORT VALUEADD ;# Compatibility # Compat01 Compat02 Compat04 Compat06 Compat07 Compat09 Compat11 Compat13 Compat14 Compat16 [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp [Options] ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp AdvTweaks NoISOPreset [Patches] [Services2] [Tweaks] Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Show Desktop-My Network Places icon-Show Explorer-Add (un)register libraries in Context Menu Explorer-Add 'Command Prompt' to folder context menu Explorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure options Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notepad Explorer-Disable Accessibility keyboard shortcuts Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to Explorer-Display the contents of system folders Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types Explorer-Show hidden files and folders My Computer-Add Administrative Tools My Computer-Add Control Panel My Computer-Add Control Panel to Context Menu My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu My Computer-Add Drive Cleanup to Context Menu My Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context Menu My Computer-Add Folder Options My Computer-Add Fonts Folder My Computer-Add My Network Places My Computer-Add Network Connections My Computer-Add Printers and Faxes My Computer-Add Recycle Bin My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu My Computer-Add Scheduled Tasks My Computer-Add Services to Context Menu My Computer-Add Software to Context Menu My Computer-Add Taskbar Settings Performance-Minimal Power Management Privacy-Disable Error Reporting Privacy-Remove Alexa Security-Always show Updates under Software Security-Disable Screensaver Start Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Disable Windows Tour popup [Unattended] ComputerType = Automatic HibernationNo AutoLogon = Ricardo OOBEOff CustomLocales Resolution = 1440x900 BitsPerPel = 32 bit (True Color) Vrefresh = 60 Hz DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = Default|| AutoUpdates = 3 AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 AUElevate AUMinor ProgFilesPath = "\Archivos de programa" [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] [Hotfixes] HotfixingReports ASMSCompress F:\Projects\Ricks_XPsp3esUpdatePack1.4.3.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_WindowsManagementFrameworkCore_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_UPHClean2.0.49.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_TemasMicrosoft1.1.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_cpl1.3_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_ShellExt1.7_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_ComponentesOpcionales.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_7-Zip9.20.04_Intl_defaddon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_CCleaner3.02.1343_Intl_addon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_SpywareBlaster4.4_addon_110108.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_CMenu2.6_pAddOn.rar F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_GMailDrive1.0.17.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_ImgBurn2.5.4_Intl_addon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_InstallWatchPro2.5c_addon.rar F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_DPs_BASE-10.06_Intl_addon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_EVERESTUlt5.50.2100_Intl_addon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_Restorator2007_3.70.1747_paddon.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_Orca5.0.7069.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_.NET4eu3.2.5_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_Shockwave11.5.9.615.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_AdobeReaderX_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_jre1.6.0_23_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_wlmess9b14.0.8117.416_es.7z F:\Projects\XP\Ricks_IntegrationComponents14.0.7600.16403.7z[Main] Como pueden ver no elimino mucho, pero apago bastante con mi winnt.sif [Components] Bitlocker2Go=On Deskpaper=Off Fax=On freecell=Off hearts=Off MousePoint=Off msmsgs=Off msnexplr=Off OEAccess=Off spider=Off zonegames=Off
  15. Tienes que proporcionar mas detalle que eso, integras winstyle? donde esta tu .ini?
  16. Esos son los de Intel, si creo que estan incluidos
  17. Ya lo fue
  18. Testeado con 512 MB de ram, no se si con menos vuelva a aparecer
  19. Yea IDK either, what I do is I re-export it and it will shrink back again (I suspect it has to do with the folder called \[Files]) I do the same to boot.wim, export both images in the exact order to a new boot.wim to gain 3 MB imagex /compress maximum /export \se7en\sources\boot.wim 1 \exported\boot.wim & imagex /compress maximum /export \se7en\sources\boot.wim 2 \exported\boot.wim
  20. Si son iguales, lo que pasa es que uno es comprimido con 7zip utilizando compresión Normal (este tiene MV=Memoria Virtual) y el otro con compresión Ultra (para conservar espacio en el CD)
  21. Actualizado
  22. Ya no es necesario el addon eliminador de OGAN, fue descontinuado por Microsoft y eliminado del upl v1.4.3 en adelante
  23. 1-11-11 weird date Hopefully today we will find out N1K Thanks guys :worthy:
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