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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Copy the inf file in question to %windir%\inf
  2. WOW super nice
  3. Looking gud
  4. to uncompress use expand -r * To compress use makecab filename.ext
  5. I downloaded the installer but it does not seem to be one of those like inno setup that you can extract, mod and recompile
  6. No recuerdo que switch usan, pero aqui puedes encontrar uno ya hecho http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7697
  7. Cero chance
  8. I still have a 15 inch CRT, whats wrong with a 17 inch?
  9. No creo que sea necesario, descarguen el instalador full y experimenten con los switches: wlsetup-all.exe /AppSelect:ALL!,Mail,Messenger,PhotoGallery,Writer /q /NOhomepage /nolaunch /Nosearch /noMU /OEMID:HPNTDF /log:C:\SYSTEM.SAV\LOGS\WLIVE auto-select products configuration /AUTOSELECT no toolbar ceip configuration /NOTOOLBARCEIP no search configuration /NOSEARCH no homepage configuration /NOHOMEPAGE messenger only configuration /MESSENGERONLY no CEIP configuration /NOCEIP no MU configuration /NOMU non-strict dependency configuration /NOSTRICT no launch configuration /NOLAUNCH silent/quiet configuration /SILENT Usen a BinText para encontrar los nuevos switches dentro del .exe
  10. Los voy agregando a medida que las descubra...monitoreo varios sitios por noticias de estas actualizaciones Los patch tuesdays, se un truco para conseguir las actualizaciones unas horas antes de las 10 AM hora Redmond WA Hasta la fecha esto es todo lo que tengo Versión 1.4.1 Actualizado Flash Player v10.1.85.3 Actualizado KB2416427 Silverlight v4.0.50917.0 Agregado KB2158563 Reemplaza KB981793 Agregado KB2362765-IE8 Reemplaza KB982664-IE8
  11. This addon is NOT to be used with xp media center disk, it does not update it with update rollup 2
  12. Have you tried dissabeling uac with autounattend.xml? <settings pass="offlineServicing"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <EnableLUA>false</EnableLUA> </component> </settings>
  13. Lamentablemente paypal no funciona en mi pa
  14. http://rapidshare.com/files/422767179/Ricks_XPsp3esUpdatePack1.4.0.7z
  15. SVCPACK? is too late by then, you need it much earlier than that Try DriverPacks, you integrate them with DPs BASE http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1449
  16. Enlace eliminado...Ya no es necesario, el upl ya trae el RDC de Windows 7
  17. Hola
  18. Necesitas instalar los runtimes de C++ antes de empezar la instalación de dotNETfx.exe, si no haces esto la instalación no completara http://www.mediafire.com/?03oootqlus3vtg6
  19. Its not a good idea, there is a reason for the hotfix needing to be installed to fix certain problems, dont try fooling your way around it...either install it after or integrate it into the .net administrative extracted installer If you have no idea how you can use silent .net builder or use one of the already made addons
  20. No, its only the program that slipstreams drivers into xp...no drivers are included
  21. Correct, its only the program a.k.a. base you integrate into XP with nLite or RVMintegrator...no driverpacks are integrated
  22. Creo que es igual al que tiene SoLoR en su sitio (compare los md5's) solo use ese si no logras extraerlo correctamente con el langpack y tendrás el mismo resultado 3717f801d43dd269b83caacba4c4786f *FeedbackTool.msi 1a8b56b90cc195b919234f50dc552100 *IE9-Win7.MSU 0d7d7b86f43018396fb231a4dff6f596 *IE9_SUPPORT.CAB c8b5af1f23d77527e85beb99509ee8de *ielangpack-ESN.MSU 724ea851d18b3c9de0d68351d855f96d *SQMAPI.DLL
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