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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. So how can I do it manually with waik? What are the steps?
  2. Lego are you going to add the tool to your program or you going to make one of your own? If so how do I get permission to edit that part of the registry? I notice the tool does not reset the permissions, what does it take ownership of? Will you re-hide the entries, it sucks having all those entries in installed updates
  3. No hace falta nada, no tienes que instalar otro shockwave...si usas mi addon Trae shockwave 10 y 11 (version Full) para IE y tambi
  4. Solo necesitas uno http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/7436-svcpack-adobe-shockwave-player-v1157609-multilenguaje/ Lo de los instaladores, no se, no uso ninguno de los dos (el que yo uso tiene todo en uno y no viene con programas promocionarles)
  5. No, no parece ser propietario (proprietary)
  6. Haga clic en la barra de direcci
  7. Find the author or ask on MSFN what exactly does the tool do ------------------------------------------- ------Pre-install registry Tweak Tool------ ---------------for Windows 6.x------------- ------------------------------------------- Processing : \mount Creating BKP of registry file... OK Mounting registry file... OK Enabilng taking ownership... OK Editing 'Packages' subkeys 257/257 OK Editing 'PackagesPending' subkeys 257/257OK Modyfing registry completed sucessfully. -------------------Ending------------------ Unmounting key... OK Removing BKP file... OK
  8. En Windows 7 aqui se descargan los archivos de instalaci
  9. Creo que tu problema es el msi fix, dices que tira errores...vuelva a descargarlo para asegurar que tienes el que es compatible con el upl mas reciente
  10. You cant remove a package just because you know the name of the package, you will get an error if its still hidden FYI if I recall, if you remove this for example Microsoft-Windows-WMI-SNMP-Provider-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385 It should remove the (same name) xx-XX language package as well Microsoft-Windows-WMI-SNMP-Provider-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7600.16385 Edit: P.S. if you dont re-hide the packages you will end up with a bunch of junk entries in add/rem programs->installed updates
  11. Here is exactly what install_wim_tweak does, changes the "Visibility" value in the registry for all packages in <Mount_Folder>\windows\system32\config\software, heres an example: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-WMPNetworkSharingService-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7600.16385 Visibility dword:00000002 <changed to> dword:00000001 Id basically do that will all the packages in that subkey to allow removal, then hide them again before unmount
  12. install_wim_tweak does something to the registry hive to unhide packages that you cant see/remove in the 1st place, packages.xls will help you with what relation to each other all the components have (1.1 is related to 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 etc...2.1 is related to 2.2, 2.3, etc) Watch part 3 of my video (in my sig, I talk briefly about it you will see what it unhides) BTW if you want to make the image smaller (I think) after removing the components this will not be done until you export the image (some files remain after removal, exporting the image/s will leave these files behind making your wim smaller)
  13. Como quieres que te ayude si solo dices "tengo errores"?
  14. No so psíquico, dices errores pero puede ser cualquier cosa...tome capturas de pantalla o escriba lo que dice la ventana de error Modificas a shell32.dll?
  15. Hey Lego when integrating the LDR versions of the hotfix files do you also install the GDR ones? I only ask because I once used your Windows Updater to install SoLoR's updates in LDR mode and Microsoft Update still hassled me to reinstall the hotfix even tho I installed the LDR version of the fix...I guess WU was not satisfied until the GDR files were added to winsxs Anybody else get this? What Im getting at is: those hotfixes that have both LDR and GDR files you may need to install both to keep Windows Update happy
  16. No importa la orden de integraci
  17. No es 100% compatible con 138, shell32.dll y otros archivos de Windows Update necesitan ser actualizados en este addon
  18. OnePiece provides removal addons on his updatepack page that you integrate with the updatepack and they remove the feature
  19. Haga esto, envés de eliminar a bitlocker apagelo...extraiga el addon de apagar windows search y agregue el código para apagar a bitlocker a entries_*.ini asi [TurnOffSearch] WDSearch=Off BitLocker=Off Recomprima el addon Otra cosa, asegurate en parchar a SFC con nLite
  20. Lo siento CarlosER pero la respuesta es, no...por varias razones
  21. SP3 fue el regalo de despedida para XP
  22. Dont remove components in a second session try to do it all in one single session (this is true for my updatepack, not sure if its the same with OnePiece)
  23. No se RIO, a mi no me pasa
  24. Microsoft hoy publico una actualización (KB2286198) corrigiendo una vulnerabilidad de suma importancia en sus SO's y ellos determinaron en NO esperar hasta patch tuesday...por eso yo decidí no esperar tampoco, era lo suficientemente importante para Micorosoft entonces lo es para el UPL Y si hay actualizaciones el 10 SI habrá otra actualización del UPL
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