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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Utilize HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RUN Y creo que esto me hab
  2. Not even Hollywood can do it and to make it bootable plus copy protected thatch even harder
  3. Look perfect...place it in its own folder or compress it (do not leave the word Entries in the filename of the archive) and integrate it with nLite The reason I tell you to put it in its own folder or not to name your compressed addon with "Entries" is because nLite will copy the ENTIRE contents of the directory in which its located Example, if you place Entries_regtweaks.7z (compressed .ini archive) or the uncompressed Entries_regtweaks.ini in the same directory as your addon nLite will grab all your addons and copy them to the rvmtmp dir...this will not break your session or neither will it integrate the addons, it just adds time to your session So rename your compressed regtweaks addon to something like JAMIS_RegTweaks.7z OH and BTW if the HKCU regtweaks may not take...they may or they might not, sometimes you need to apply them for each new user login. But you test it see if they apply
  4. Yes there are a couple ways, some use HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce(Ex) or you can hijack one of windows Installed Components or create your very own http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/106614-run-commands-once-on-each-new-user-logon/page__view__findpost__p__711930 In my sidebar addon everytime a new user logs in this executes HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{D58F39FF-953E-4F45-898F-59F243B9A523}","StubPath",0x00020000,"RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %INF_FILE%,Register" That also creates a reg entry in the HKCU of the same name (this will stop it from running on next login) HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{D58F39FF-953E-4F45-898F-59F243B9A523}" If this is deleted or the version number does not match the one in HKLM, when you log in again it will be executed...thats the reason it executes every time a new user log in, because the HKCU for the new user does not have the Installed Components GUID
  5. With nLite its easy to make registry tweak addons, you need Reg2inf to convert your regtweaks from .reg to .inf format, then you create a Entries_whatever.ini (where it says whatever you can put any name you want there, like regtweaks) with something like this [general] builddate=2010/03/26 description=Describe your regtweak addon. language=Multilanguage title=Addon Name version=0.0.0 website=http://www.example.com [registry_addreg] ; Here is where you add your INF converted regtweaks HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows","Test",0,"Oh" Now you compress your Entries_whatever.ini with your favorite archiver: rar, cab, zip or 7z and finally you integrate it To verify your regtweaks were added to your XP install expand I386\nLite.in_ to view your tweaks More info on the subject: http://www.nliteos.com/addons/index.html#registry_addreg
  6. No se, talvez un programa ha cambiado el tema de sonido...vaya al panel de control y vuelva a aplicar el tema de sonido por defecto a ver si los sonidos vuelven
  7. Original: http://www.mediafire.com/?wdm0yzlukfy Compressed: http://www.mediafire.com/?mz1m2bvayzz No, dont have any regtweaks for XP
  8. No comprende what file/addon your are talking about
  9. I am trying to locate cables for a WinTV-HVR-1500 does anybody know where online or any stores that carry them I would greatly appreciate the info (card is a paper weight without them) Trying to locate these cables: # Cable TV adapter cable ('F' connector to MCX) (middle one) # Portable ATSC antenna with MCX connector* (not important, can do without) # Audio/Video input cable (on the right)
  10. Redownload it, and verify it using the MD5 hash posted. Maybe it was a bad download
  11. KB articles...gr8 Whatever happened to croman?
  12. You can solve it by reducing the size of your shell32.dll, by removing only the high resolution icons from your .ico files, also the avi's try to shrink them or use smaller sized ones I also had this problem and you can see that I solved it by recompressing my avi's http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/113295-req-help-make-move-copy-delete-avis-smaller/
  13. If you pass a certain size when you patch shell32.dll you will get this error when you try to install some programs
  14. Entonces tienes que especificar otro SourceDisksNames (acaso tu CopyFiles sigue siendo al revez) [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =Inf.Files [AExPa] CopyFiles =Inf.Files [SourceDisksFiles] AExPa.inf=2 [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="%CDVD_NAME%","ejemplo.cab",,"i386" 2="%CDVD_NAME%","WIN51",,"i386" ; Este punta a el directorio I386 y no a el CAB [DestinationDirs] Inf.Files =17 [Inf.Files] AExPa.inf ; Copias este primero AIMPEXTRAS.INF,AExPa.inf ; Luego se copia una segunda vez y se renombra Pero cuidado...agregar a copiar a el INF durante la instalacion de XP puede resultar en errores cuando no especificas el nombre de disk, por eso es mejor dejarlo a txtsetup.sif
  15. [dosnet_files] d1,AExPa.inf [txtsetup_files] AExPa.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0,AIMPEXTRAS.INF ; Renombrado después de copiar [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =Inf.Files [AExPa] ;CopyFiles =Inf.Files ; No pongas esto aquí quiebra su instalación, solo en DefaultInstall porque txtsetup se encarga de copiar y renombrar el INF al directorio durante instalación de XP, solo es necesario durante instalación manual [SourceDisksFiles] AIMPEXTRAS.INF=1 ; No es necesario si los archivos están en el mismo directorio que el INF (y claro que el INF esta en el mismo directorio ) [DestinationDirs] Inf.Files =17 [Inf.Files] ;AExPa.inf,AIMPEXTRAS.INF ; Lo tienes al revés AIMPEXTRAS.INF,AExPa.inf ; Así se hace
  16. Pleas start a new topic and post your addon in the Italian forum
  17. Thats not a subject for this topic, specify the software and start a new thread
  18. Como que ya lo estas instalando? XPTSP y VISO solo son para XP Ingles, si quieres tienes que hacer tu propio paquete de recursos e iconos para XP Español
  19. Para el media center solo integras el addon de mce con el addon de mce de windows 7 Para parchar iconos del setup de XP necesitas fijarte en como XPTSP (sucesor de mi V'ISO) funciona, tienes que crear unos archivos .res con iconos y modificaciones para ser compatibles con XP Espa
  20. "Al integrarlo sale un error" no es una descripción valida, puedes ser mas especifico?
  21. Use universal extractor to create a admin install of the msi
  22. You dont need to do that, I used the Spanish language MUI for this because there was no Spanish MCE, if there is a Polish version of the MCE you can get the files from there also
  23. No eres el único en preguntar http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8101 Yo no te sabría decir porque no tengo este hardware Edit: Parece que el siguiente Mass Storage Driver Pack tendrá este driver
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