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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. These ppl have the same problem and they have x64 so its not that http://www.thehotfix.net/forums/index.php?/topic/24958-wheres-all-my-ram/
  2. Hav fun Moved topic from Win7 to GD
  3. - Updated v2.5 - Updated some language files
  4. - Actualizado CmdOpen v2.0.3 - Actualizado HashCheck v3.0.0
  5. No entiendo su pregunta Creo que voy a esperar hasta despues del 2do martes del otro mes para publicar el proximo upl Acaso, para la gente que usan MicrosoftRuntimeLibraries bajen la nueva version 1.4.8 (esto soluciona una actualizacion critica)
  6. Correcto, parecen ser importantes porque en inusual que Microsoft haya sacado actualizaciones antes/despues del segundo martes del mes P.D.: Una cosa muy rara que decidio Microsoft hacer es actualizar el icono de "Downloaded Program Files" para uno con el folder de Vista -->
  7. Este instalador es bastante liviano he editado/removido mucho de el (lo puedo hacer mas liviano removiendo MultimediaPlugin y Atmosphere_3D pero por razones de compatibilidad los dejo)
  8. I only have integrated sound, no grafix at all
  9. Thanks guys, I think I will bite the bullet and install x64 on it...it is x64 architecture I have just been avoiding x64 all together
  10. What is the cause of this, do I have bad ram?
  11. Para contestar tu pregunta...no se puede
  12. I want Ultimate
  13. There are two Windows 7 Toolkits, one is Lego's another is Orbit's...one is for modding Windows 7 and the other if for cracking it
  14. Those i386_compress instructions are only needed for the RVM integrator and only if the file does not already exist in i386 Say you addon had shell32.dll you would not need to add it to that section, if you file was doesnotexist.dll you would have to add it
  15. No extraiga los addons, dejelos asi comprimidos
  16. No estoy baneado es solo una broma, es mi titulo personalizado yo escribi eso yo mismo :P

  17. Actualizado Shockwave v11.5.0.601
  18. It means is you need to find any addon that installs .net 1.1 during svcpack
  19. Nice, faved it
  20. You can use the devcon tool depending on the driver
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