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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Si, exactamente asi como lo escribiste se pone Cuando termines tu INF y/o addon los puedes subir al internet o pegar el texto aqui y yo te lo puedo checkear (cuidado con programas ilegales, esas mandamelas por MP)
  2. Look in [strings] the values should be there It may also be that it cannot find CONFIGURE_PROGRAMS="Set Program Access and Defaults" in the strings section, because after this line the "ExtraFileEdit" will add those string values CONFIGURE_PROGRAMS="Set Program Access and Defaults" calibri = "Calibri (TrueType)" calibri_bold = "Calibri Bold (TrueType)" calibri_italic = "Calibri Italic (TrueType)" calibri_bold_italic = "Calibri Bold Italic (TrueType)" segoe_ui = "Segoe UI (TrueType)" segoe_ui_bold = "Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)" segoe_ui_italic = "Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)" segoe_ui_bold_italic = "Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)" segoe_print = "Segoe Print (TrueType)" segoe_print_bold = "Segoe Print Bold (TrueType)" segoe_script = "Segoe Script (TrueType)" segoe_script_bold = "Segoe Script Bold (TrueType)" simhei = "SimHei (TrueType)"
  3. And how the heck is that supposed to work? You just expect people to double click ehshell.exe and have everything work? Its ALLOT! more complicated than that
  4. OK te recomiendo empezar con algo simple como un tema para xp How to make a inf theme addon Luego te graduas a un programa How to make a inf program addon Si quieres empezar con algo facil tambien puedes aprender a hacer instaladores silenciosos How to make a silent switch installer Cualquier cosa que no entiendas me puedes preguantar y si puedo lo explico mejor
  5. OK dime como eres con el ingles, lo entiendes bien? Tengo unos cuantos video turoriales de como hacer addons de instaladores silenciosos y otro para hacer addons tipo INF (que es la perfecta respuesta a tu pregunta)
  6. If you use WPI it can do this, just dl the tools folder
  7. Actualizado v2.0 - Mas archivos modificados (ehdrop.dll, ehRec.exe, ehRecvr.exe, ehSched.exe, ehshell.exe, ehui.dll, RegisterMCEApp.exe) incluyendo el icono de la barra de herramientas (gracias a AMIRZ) - Todas las referencias a Media Center han sido cambiadas para decir Windows Media Center incluyendo accesos directos (igual a Vista) - Agregado nuevo fondo para REPRODUCCION EN CURSO (gracias a fediafedia) - Agregue unos recusros aero reemplazando algunos verdes feos - Y muchos nuevos cambios y mejoras (muchos para nombrar) a ehres.dll Asegurense usando MD5 checksums que tienen el addon de media center para XP mas actual cuando usen este addon
  8. Apparently its a media center addon with multiple langs I dont have much bandwidth so I will not be downloading for eval Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) If you are posting a addon make sure you post the filesize and md5 checksum[Close]
  9. Es contra las reglas discutir cracks en este foro, todo los archivos que estan en el updatepack son digitalmente firmados, genuinos y originales de microsoft Si lees bien la descripcion del pack en el sitio te explica http://www.ricktendo.com/
  10. El flash player vas a Agregar o quitar programas y vas a ver el desintalador y para wgan http://patch-info.de/WinXP/Downloads/KB905474-Uninstaller.exe
  11. Please refrain from creating multiple posts for the same question, it will not give you any better results Now answer my question and if I can help you I will
  12. The lic says they are free to use
  13. Corrected double post
  14. How-D
  15. Yes, addon makers from your language will have to do it...I cant
  16. - Updated BASE to v8.12.1 - Added Uninstall shortcut to All Programs - Added support for Spanish uninstall prompt and auto setting prog lang Note: if anybody wants the uninstall, automatic settings of the program language or any updated .lng file added for your language you can request it here, I also need you to translate this: Lang ="English" ProgDesc ="Slipstream DriverPacks™ into Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003 source." FldrDesc ="Add your BTS DriverPacks™ to this folder for updating & slipstreaming." 3rdPrtDesc ="Add your 3rd party DriverPacks™ to this folder for slipstreaming." UnInsTitle ="DriverPacks BASE Uninstaller." UnInsQuest ="Are you sure you want to remove DriverPacks BASE from your computer?" UnInsFinal ="DriverPacks BASE was successfully removed from your computer."
  17. Updated v6.33 Added German and French language DLL's and addon also auto sets the program language to any either of those two langs if detected by the INF file
  18. Feliz A
  19. INF Assistant True Addon Maker
  20. Yes do: makecab miguires.mui and put it in i386
  21. There are INF addon maker software but dont think you have gotten to that point yet Just practice and get good at making your silent switch installers and manually package your addons BTW it does not have to be .cab it can be .7z, .rar and .zip also OH! and if you use the integrator you dont have to package them at all, just point the integrator to the silent .exe
  22. You said in your PM that you made a silent switch installer using my video but did not know how to pack it for nLite, here is the general idea how to do this A program you can use to make silent switch addons is nlaom (here is my addon for this program you can integrate)
  23. I did not say it was compatible with the integrator, thats why i removed the work addon from the filename
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