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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Correct the fonts ar addons not needed if you integrate this
  2. This should do it (OCEntry should be changed to whatever you have under [Optional Components]) [OCEntry] OptionDesc=... Tip=... Modes=... CopyFiles=... AddReg=... RegisterDLLs=ShellExt.DLL [ShellExt.DLL] 16422,JetAudio,JetFlExt.dll,1
  3. I say build your own
  4. You cannot add .ani cursors only .cur BTW using reshacker is tricky for adding cursors, restorator would be better
  5. You did not post your last session
  6. Thanks for the link Edit: SP3 has this
  7. Can you say what DLL and where its located on the Windows install
  8. That file/driver is included in the xp sp3, post your last session so maybe I can see what you removed
  9. Lot of birthdays...Happy Birthday m8
  10. I tested this with RVM UpdatePack along with OnePiece WMP11 and IE and it worked fine
  11. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Birthday
  12. You can put the silent .net addon anywhere does not matter, just make sure it installs during svcpack or before login The media center will only need it when you 1st log in, thats when it will register the media center files
  13. No, you cannot install this manually I dont think I will be adding .net 1.1 to this addon, everybody has their preference of .net addons heffalump try a svcpack .net Aceoneo post your last session ezkim0x make sure you have the latest one, either use a MD5 tool to verify you have it or download the addon again
  14. I don't think its possible with winnt.sif or nlite, adding sounds or cursors to your default theme file does work tho
  15. skrell, instead of AccessUtil use AccessTop (you will find these in ACESSOR.INF in your XP CD) That will put it in Accessories and Utilities->Accesories in add or rem windows components, the first would have just put it in Accessories and Utilities DaRk you can use 7zip archive splitter to un-compile the 7zip sfx and edit the config.txt and then recompile it
  16. If you have two transforms you can add them to the same section, just seperate them with a comma like this (BTW remove the colon and quote them) TRANSFORMS=\"RemoveStartup.mst,RemoveDesktopShortcut.mst\" Or you can make one transforms file with both the shortcut and startup removed I will dl the installer and see if i can find the startup thing to delete
  17. Sounds like the locale of your PC has changed...open a CMD window and type LCID and hit enter That is what your gadgets sub folders should look like xx-XX If you want you can rename them to whatever it said when you typed LCID or you can give them en-US wich is universal Edit: Aww crap, thats what I get for not reading the entier post Sounds like you did everything correctly, all I can think of is reinstalling
  18. Extract the sound pack and change the following in ultsound.inf Parent = UltExtras To Parent = AccessUtil ; Accessories and Utilities So it will no longer be dependant on Hold Em
  19. 1st we have Rafael and the alky team to thank for the sidebar, second no vol control gadget will work on xp that I know of 3rd will have to give the gadget a try
  20. Sorry I only have a 256 kbps connection and 7zipping it and uploading via FTP is fastest for me...7-zip reduces the video by allot BTW you dont have to download all the sections to start viewing, they are cut. You can watch part 2 without the need to dl part 1 If somebody wants to upload them to their YouTube account feel free I wont mind
  21. You need wireless lan api hotfix, look in the FAQ for a link
  22. First answer my questions here Seems like you are using a old inf with a new cab, that may be the problem Just make a new iso with the new addon and don't try to manually update a old session by copying the new files into it (which is what I am assuming you tried to do)
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