I want to add, I also protect stuff from being removed with nLite that the media center needs using my entries.ini (that includes SENS) ;This section prevents nessesary "Components" from removal by nLite (v1.4.9 and up) [NeededComponents] 165,185,241,275,293,319,321,327,383,534,538,849,893,897,949,1631,1237 ; # Component ;165 ="Media Center" ;185 ="Internet Explorer Core" ;241 ="Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)" ;275 ="COM+" ;293 ="Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" ;319 ="Windows Media Player 6.4" ;321 ="Windows Media Player" ;327 ="Windows Management Instrumentation" ;383 ="Event Log" ;534 ="System Event Notification (SENS)" ;538 ="Video Capture" ;849 ="DirectX diagnostic tool" ;893 ="ActiveX for streaming video" ;897 ="Teletext codec" ;949 ="Acm Core Codecs" ;1631="DirectX" ;1237="OpenGL Support"