Thats exactly what I do winxp :expand_spcab title Progress 97%%%... if exist "i386\SP3.CAB" set spcab=SP3.CAB echo. echo extracting %spcab% if not exist "%sptmp%" md "%sptmp%" expand "i386\%spcab%" -F:* "%sptmp%" >nul
SOURCE: Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) Neither of these Gadgets are working for me I wonder if I vLited too much Can somebody with Vista try these and let me know if its working for you guys? My MCE Gadget just says "Loading..." and my Feedback Gadget flyout is not working [Close]
wn8su I will wait until you have Vista SP1 installed, so you can send me the proper Windows Sidebar folder...the RTM sidebar and those files aren't going to do it because I already have a old RTM (v6000) Greek Sidebar addon
d-talk thats nonsense, its a false positive Xplod I want you to tell me what language sidebar you used. Then open a CMD window and type LCID and hit enter (tell me what it says) Now I want you to go into all your Gadget and Shared Gadgets folders and change all the xx-XX folders to whatever it says in the CMD window
My request was filled on MSFN, they were reduced by a little bit which made a bid difference, you can also extract them from the latest V'ISO