OK pretty easy, in your [uninstall] section in the DelFiles directive you add a new section name (anything) example [Uninstall] DelFiles=Example.Other.Sections,New.Section;<-Add it here Now create it and under the [New.Section] you add a list of those files you want deleted (the one that the program creates) [New.Section] Filename1.ini Filename2.bak etc... Now you have to add the New.Section=LDID(,SubDir) to [DestinationDirs] so the INF will know where the files are, so go so look for the LDID of the %UserProfile%\Application Data Here is the LDID (number) for that folder 16410 %userprofile%\Application Data So it will go like this [DestinationDirs] Example.Section=16422,"Program Name" New.Section =16410,"Program Name";<-This is the DelFiles destination dir Post your INF when you think you are done maybe we can have a look at it