I think I know why, you are using this on a non english XP correct? If you are you can get rid of this error by editing/removing this UpdateInis line in the [uninstall] section of the INF:
Are you sure it stops? Because when it reaches t13 this is when addons begin to install and this takes awhile so be patient and give it a few mins Off Topic: plz don't PM me asking me to reply to your posts
Edit this section of the INF [Paint.Setup] %10%\PaintDotNetSetup.exe /auto """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories""" Change it to [Paint.Setup] %10%\PaintDotNetSetup.exe /auto """LASTACCEPTEDEULAVERSION=20071211""" """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories""" BTW make sure you extract PaintDotNetSetup.exe from inside the BetaNews or other 3rd party installers and rename it PaintNET.exe and overwrite the old 3.10 installer
Yea, the switches for the old version and new one are different /auto """LASTACCEPTEDEULAVERSION=20071211""" """DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0""" """PROGRAMSGROUP=Accessories"""
Beta 7.1 1-10-08 - Updated PEChecksum v1.3 - Now includes MSC files (thanks to amnesia) - Patches a couple extra i386 DLL and EXE files (pointed out by amnesia) Off Topic: amnesia I cant seem to find a couple of those dll files in i386 but I included them anyway I also don't like some of your icon choices so I changed some and wont be using others, if you want you can do a VISO mod of your own and release it.
I use CMenu to add =1 after all my SourceDisksFiles In your case right click the folder with the files and choose More Options->File Management->Directory List Now you add whatever you want before or after the files Prefix=Before Suffix=After
amnesia by editing that file you gave me (mmcshext.dll) it will take care of those two icons, I notice they don't have icons in them so they use the default one from that. Here they are, tell me what you think guys MSC.zip