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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Probably because MS update was updated post install
  2. Dad's SUCK! Hope misses warrior gets better
  3. Better than being a boobie
  4. Driverpacks adds a custom setup.exe to i386 so, if you use a updatepack after you integrate drivers then you run the risk of overwriting that setup.exe with another.
  5. Me like
  7. Welcome to WinCert m8
  8. Once again Kel saves the day, he sent 512 MB of ram that I needed so desperately and a PCI grafix card I may use to upgrade this current integrated one I am using (my m8 N1K also sent 512 of ram, I hope its not lost in my countries crappy mail service) And it seems that r00tfile's parts he sent made it to LA (only confirmed by the tracking code) Almost got er done, thanks so much guys... Off Topic: Now the wait to get the parts from Louisiana to Central America (I hope its not a long one )
  9. By the sounds of it you dont know how to make a 7zip switchless installer http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1978
  10. Here is how you install Magic Snap, stop the browser from running, kill the task and enter your registration ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="ashampoo_magicalsnap230_sm.exe /VERYSILENT /MERGETASKS=!regkey" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c tskill ashsnap" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKCU\Software\Ashampoo\Ashampoo Magical Snap 2\" /v RegistrationKey /t REG_SZ /d ABCDEF-123456-ABC123 /f\"" ;!@InstallEnd@! What stops the browser from launching is the /MERGETASKS=!regkey switch Here is how I found out how to stop the browser from launching using CMenu's Identify Installer Inno Setup
  11. OWNED For pdfMachine.exe - Extract the installer to a sub directory - Edit bgsconf.ini quiet = 0 - Change to 1 quiet = 1 Repack the installer and simply make it run bgsSetup.exe
  12. I can help you make some killer uninstallers for your theme packs
  13. Here is a tip for you makave if you want to make a gr8 theme uninstaller you can prompt the user to change his theme in case the theme he is currently using is the one he currently wants to uninstall [Uninstall] BeginPrompt=Change.Theme.First RunPreSetupCommand=Open.Theme.Dialog DelFiles=etc etc [Change.Theme.First] Title=Theme Uninstaller Prompt="The following will uninstall the *blank* theme, make sure to change the theme to another if it is currently in use." ButtonType=OKCANC [Open.Theme.Dialog] rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /File:"""%16440%\themes\windows classic.theme"""
  14. Its pretty simple Makave, I use it with my NeroDiscCopy and Kel uses it with his Uber. The secret is you add these strings to the uninstall registry of your smaller sub programs [Uninstall.Registry] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SubProgramName","ParentDisplayName",,"MainReaperProgram" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SubProgramName","ParentKeyName",,"KeyName" ParentKeyName=Whatever is after Uninstall\ <-Here ParentDisplayName=Whatever is afer the "DisplayName",,"*Here*"
  15. Programs has been long abandoned, Vier the creator has not updated it
  16. IDK if this will work but you can try to kill the task for the Ahampoo soft when it launces (only will work with the new 7zip sfx) Option 1 TASKKILL ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /SP /VERYSILENT" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c taskkill /f /im process_name.exe /t" ;!@InstallEnd@! Option 2 TSKILL ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /SP /VERYSILENT" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c tskill process_name" ;!@InstallEnd@! If you use tskill instead of taskkill don't add the .exe part (BTW the only reason to use tskill is for XP Home compatibility) And tell me one more thing... Do you use nLite or the Integrator, because there may be a way to add your serials if you use nLite EDIT: I will download the softs later and let you know how and if i was able to install them and kill the app, also will let you know if its possible to add registration. (cant atm because we have some bad weather and flooding)
  17. Its a theme called Diamond, its the only one I leave in this addon
  18. I like the way you included your specs
  19. MSI installers are the hardest to make into true addons :sweatingbullets:
  20. WOW! both good and bad news in one. I see you had to remove most of the cool features to save resources like i-Tab skins, shout (gonna miss this the most), snow and stuff Hopefully we find a hosting service as good as MSFN, maybe somebody will read this who knows one.
  21. ricktendo


    Off Topic: The xmasy theme had to be taken down due to too much load on the server
  22. Not really, but I can say that v6 is super fast; hardly any slowdown
  23. All look gr8 thanks
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