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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. You are having problems because you are using it on a already modified source, the error you are getting is because swflash.inf has already been edited. I use this command in my entries.ini to edit that file swflash.inf|[DefaultInstall]<NEXT>CopyFiles = SWFiles<NEXT>AddReg = SW.AddReg<NEXT>RegisterDlls = Base.RegSvr|[DefaultInstall]|1 swflash.inf|[UpdateInstall]<NEXT>AddReg = SW.AddReg<NEXT>RegisterOCXs=Base.RegSvr.Update|[UpdateInstall]|1 This edits [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = SWFiles AddReg = SW.AddReg RegisterDlls = Base.RegSvr [UpdateInstall] AddReg = SW.AddReg RegisterOCXs=Base.RegSvr.Update To [DefaultInstall] [UpdateInstall]
  2. Faved... Nice tutorial, I like the fact that its one huge pic That looks exactly like the little DA monster
  3. You slipstream SP3 into your XP iso then you integrate this... It contains small updates like Flash, MRT, WGA etc. I'm just practicing till SP3 becomes final and I will (hopefully) make a "All In One" UpdatePack with Updates, IE7 and WMP11 included
  4. http://www.sokoolz.com/addons/r64/Ricks_QT...ssBar_AddOn.rar
  5. INF addons are installed during t24 (copying files)
  6. You cannot fix the Automatic Updates CPL icon (its a limitation of .CPL files)
  7. You can get a MD5 hash for your addon's archive file by using HahsTab. This is used to verify the integrity of ones download, if my MD5 hash matches the one posted then I know my download was good We have 2 sections in the WinCert addon sub-forum: One for "True addons" (INF addons) Another for "Silent Switch addons" (Installs during T-13 or svcpack.inf) I moved your silent installer to SVCPACK because it was in the wrong section (no biggie)
  8. Moved svcpack section
  9. Nice work... MD5 hash plz
  10. Why are you using sp3 updatepack on a non sp3 iso?
  11. np I think I almost got everything
  12. Wanna thank r00tfile for this killer donation... I almost have everyting 1. ASUS A8N-SLI Motherboard, no ram, unknown AMD cpu + manual + driver disk 2. Generic GeForce 6200 video card 3. Lite-on PATA cd-rw/dvd-rom 4. Assorted sata, monitor, pata and usb cables. 5. WD 36GB Raptor drive 6. MS Laser Mouse 6000 v1.0 6. Hawking usb network adaptor (sorry no switches)
  13. Thanks to somebody (you know who you are) I got my speed doubled
  14. CMenu cand find virtually any switch
  15. 34?... old?... MY ASS!!!
  16. InstallWatch is pretty good at checking for what files were modified and reg entries added (AddOn) - Take a snapshot - Update n00d - Analyze changes made
  17. Thats how I learned, just by joining and messing around with my Windows CD :dribble:
  18. I remember when they did this for IE7 Gr8 find
  19. Very good idea
  20. Looks better that everest
  21. I use Roguespear .net 3 with WPI during 1st boot
  22. Nope its fine...
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