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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. LOL glad you found it... Its really buried in there No need to delete, we will just let the post die
  2. Happy birthday you bastard (you didn't tell me )
  3. Hey this will work also ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /silentmode /noreboot" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy updfiles \"%ProgramFiles%\\Eset\\updfiles\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\ESET\NOD\CurrentVersion\Info\" /v Build /t REG_SZ /d \"0x00002c76 (11382)\" /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\ESET\NOD\CurrentVersion\Info\" /v CurrentVersion /t REG_SZ /d \"2711 (20071207)\" /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\ESET\NOD\CurrentVersion\Info\" /v Date /t REG_SZ /d \"0x060c07d7 (101451735)\" /f\"" ;!@InstallEnd@! You just need to edit the following when you rebuild EDIT: Just read your post... This probably wont help either, but hey at least you learned something
  4. ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /silentmode /noreboot" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy updfiles \"%ProgramFiles%\\Eset\\updfiles\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"regedit -s NOD32.reg\"" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  5. I wish I was more skillfull and was able to create one like nLite but this is the best I could do
  6. Thanks Frechi3000 link updated on 1st post
  7. Hey nice job on the installer :thumbsup_anim: Kel can I make a suggestion? RegisterDlls will not work during advanced install so I ussually use RunPostSetup and a custom section to register my copied DLLs RunPostSetupCommands =Delete.i386,DLL.Reg,Start.mmm:1 [DLL.Reg] REGSVR32 /S HMTCD.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\BrowserBack.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\CmdOpen.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\CopyToSendTo.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\FileExtToggle.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\FindTarget.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\HashTab.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\HiddenFilesToggle.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\MEFlCase.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\MERunPrg.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\MIPSE.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\phototoy.dll REGSVR32 /S %11%\ShellExt\SelectAll.dll
  8. No MRT does not run... And yes you do need to add a reg entry or MU will have you download it again IE7 and WMP11 will be included in my updatepack when SP3 is final (at least IE7)
  9. 1st Try these other xcopy switches (to see more in the CMD prompt type xcopy /?) ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /s" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy FolderName \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" ;!@InstallEnd@! 2nd If that does not work try to rename the files before xcopy ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /s" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c ren \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\\lastupd.var\" lastupd.bak" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c ren \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\\upd.var\" upd.bak" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy FolderName \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  10. v1.0.6 - Updated Flash - Fixed MU ActiveX Run prompt
  11. You can find manny examples on how to do that in the help file http://7zsfx.solta.ru/en/parameters.html Example: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /s" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy FolderName \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\" /s /e /i /y" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  12. No, it fails on a real installation weather VMware is installed or not.
  13. Try just copying wlanapi.dll into the same dir as sidebar.exe
  14. Cool PC dude
  15. If you want to learn INF you are going to need allot more patience than what you exhibited here today, if you don't have the staying power to hang around the forum for less than a day then I can predict you may never learn. You cant just pop up one day and say "HEY TEACH ME INF" and expect to learn in a few hours... Takes months
  16. Your cold drink in the cup holder can cool your CPU
  17. HAHAHA you cant just pic up INF addons just like that there is too much to learn, you need a dedicated teacher.
  18. ricktendo

    hi there

  19. Depends what kind of addons you want to make, if its silent switch addons there are programs such as CMenu that can find the silent switches of programs and you make 7zip silent switch addons using nlaom (nLite addon maker) If its INF (True) addons then there are several programs you need. You can find most if you integrate Kels UberPack It took me awhile to learn how to make addons (about a year to get where I am now) and if you stick around long enough you may learn also
  20. Good for you but this is not the topic... You may want to show your new Vista off in the desktop screenshots area
  21. Opera is infamous for not installing any shortcuts when used silently, its not just in Vista and about Firefox; how do you tell it to add a ql shortcut? What I do is I extract setup.exe and the subfolders from Firefox Setup and run it with the /S switch
  22. If you are NOT integrating the Windows Sidebar into Server 2003, XP SP3 or with the RyanVM UpdatePack you need to integrate the Wireless LAN API (KB940541) Hotfix AddOn added on the 1st post
  23. 1.09.190 is out
  24. In the advanced SFX options there is a setting Run your installer silently add the switch Or you can add it manually like this in the comment section ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Setup=Program.exe /S Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Edit: You may wanna check extract to temp folder also
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