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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. IE7 Final Available on Softpedia http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Brow...xplorer-7.shtml EDIT: From Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/default.mspx
  2. Hes alredy in his room you fool :lol:
  3. <--The Watermark is Editable Vista Desktop Gadgets by ears1991 Website: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39795737/ MD5: 38E01CBC3799B636ADB583B765E680A4 Size: 1.96 MB Note: Places Shortcuts in Start->All Programs->Utilities, Only the Build Tag is set to AutoStart, Also you can drag and drop the Build Tag anywhere on the Destop and it will remember its possition. Build Tag Edit Instructions: No need to uncompress the addon just open it in winrar and edit the "Build String" and "Build Tag" RegEntries in Gadgets.inf to whatever you want, now Save and WinRAR will ask you if you wish to save also, Say YES and you are done, Your own personalized Build Tag.
  4. Or this http://ie7.com/ :lol:
  5. Universal Extractor v1.5 by Jared (aka nitro322) MD5: 3C0EFCF89267CD1D376021D5B34CE180 Size: 4.75 MB Website: http://www.legroom.net/modules.php?op=modl...;app=uniextract Forum: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=62418&st=0
  6. WolfX2 thats really beutifull dude
  7. ricktendo replied to Aphoticom's post in a topic in Introduction
    Who died and made you SMod? :lol:
  8. Wolf I got a modded VistaCG theme with a difrent shellstyle.dll and it also some screensavers and mplayer11/Vista LClocks with SegoeUI fonts that will go great with the HighSpinns cursors. You can also go here and get a Vista RC2 Watermark for the desktop http://www.joejoe.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=1527&st=0 There on the second page.
  9. LS Patch v1.1 by Windows X MD5: 775292CAF1DB34A0737D863E45D78E67 Size: 638 KB Website: http://www.windowsxlive.net/ Patches explorer.exe to hide the Logoff/Shutdown Start Menu Text Installs Shortcut to Start->All Programs->Utilities
  10. Requiers dotNet 1.1 Driver Backup Utility CPL v0.79b by IcemanND MD5: 3D17B8EDFD8C827A343F080406300210 Size: 100 KB Website: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=83960 Use it to create your own B
  11. ricktendo posted a post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
  12. CMenu v2.6 by Michael Heath (aka MHz) Website: http://mywebsite.bigpond.com/michaelpheath/cmenu/ MD5: 7542CFEC6C5D5B827CDA109A9401A01A Size: 2.56 MB SendToA3X v1.7 by Michael Heath (aka MHz) Website: http://mywebsite.bigpond.com/michaelpheath/sendtoa3x/ MD5: 587872D09DE51799D12F1C2E490E84A7 Size: 1.22 MB
  13. SpywareBlaster v5.0 Updated Spyware Database 10/10/2013. Protected Sites & Internet Explorer Protection Enabled (by default) Download: http://adf.ly/1713566/spywareblaster Size: 4.49 MB MD5: 8fd2d62d7e153770bf7e40a212d2251d Website: http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/
  14. Found this Great Tutorial on JoeJoe.org thought you would like this WolfX2 http://www.joejoe.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=840&hl= How to create a vista window styled sig 1.Start with any background image *mine below* in a 600x220 image. *had to remove due to having to many pictures on it.* 2.Using Rounded rectangle tool set to 5px create a shape roughly this size. Then rasterize shape. 3.Lower the fill percentage to 40% and add the following blending options: Drop Shaddow - Angle - 120, Distance - 10, Size - 8 Outer Glow - Blend Mode - Multiply, Color - Black, Size - 3 Stroke - Size - 1, Color - White, Opacity - 60% Should now look like *below* 4.Now using these buttons i made for your please paste them into your image and place them about here*below* **Buttons** 5.Create a new layer (Crtl+Shift+N) and using the rectangular marquee tool select about this much of the layer *below* And fill that selection in white. 6.In the blending options add a stroke that is color black and 1px size and 50% opacity, then add a outerglow of 4px size that is colour white. You should have something like this *below* 7.Now add in any other details you may to add like an image or username 8.Now the finishing touch fading it out to white. create a selection on your background image like the one *below* Right click in the selection and choose feather and make the number as 7px and press ok, now press Crtl+Shift+I to inverse the sleection and hit delete. At the ends you should now have something looking like this. If you want to create the ultimate Vista sig look carry on with the next stages. 9.Select around you shape by press Ctrl+Left click on the picture thumbnail of the layer "shape", this will happen*below* 10. Now on the background layer but still with theselection on teh shape but on the background layer go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur>3px *or anything you think is suitable* You will end us will a great looking signature like this. Tutorial written by jordygreen
  15. ricktendo replied to NIM's post in a topic in Announcements
    :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG ROTFLMFAONow thats F%#@ing funny
  16. ricktendo replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    And guess whos responsible for more than half of all that spam :lol:
  17. ricktendo replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    There alright... BTW love the sites new icons and stuff EDIT: What happened to the cool looking icons? who switched them back?
  18. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en
  19. ricktendo replied to NIM's post in a topic in Funny Lounge
    LOL Tarun
  20. ricktendo replied to WolfX2's post in a topic in Tips and Tricks
    Wolf why dont you download a PC Screen Recorder thingy and do some video tutos for us like this Vista Glass tuto I sent you
  21. ricktendo replied to Aphoticom's post in a topic in Introduction
    Add me to your msn mess find it here http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showuser=29
  22. ricktendo replied to Aphoticom's post in a topic in Introduction
    Did someone say N64? :lol: Welcome to Wincert Hej. Off Topic: Have you tried out the Cell Shaded Mario and Zelda OOT Mod?
  23. I dont like IE7 becuz its too plain looking, I miss the buttons/navigation from IE6
  24. ricktendo replied to NIM's post in a topic in General Discussion
    Thats one nice looking userbar, can I we get one with MOD Wolf?