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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Presione una tecla y notaras el INF, tiene que ser HIVE<algo>.inf
  2. No se que puede ser la causa. Una cosa, no necesitas los micorsoft runtimes (ya vienen incluidas en el UPL) y solo debes de integrar un solo .net framework (solo el 4 o el 5 en uno) P.D. si lo estas usando en una maquina virtual este error aparece, pero desaparece en una maquina real.
  3. Updated and added English only
  4. First you need to add your Gadgets to svcpack\Gadgets.exe, (right click) open in WinRAR and drag&drop your .gadget folders into \Gadgets or \Shared Gadgets (these will go into program files) Now set the sidebar with the gadgets the way you want, and add your settings.ini from your %userprofile%\appdata\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar (I think that is where its stored) to Gadgets.exe root folder The Gadgets.exe WinRAR SFX installer should look like this once completed \Gadgets\<your_gadgets>.Gadget\Shared Gadgets\settings.ini
  5. You can also do allot of cool stuff (if you know how to) to make WPI a smart installer, it can detect if your program is already installed and it will grey it our if it is
  6. All msi installers are the same /qb or /qn, run msiexec.exe /? to see what they do
  7. Esto te puede servir http://www.indigorose.com/webhelp/msifact/Program_Reference/Build_Settings/Global_Build_Variables.htm
  8. Run the installer with /?
  9. There are already "installers" for this, you dont really need them because 3.5 is a part of the operating system (you only need to enable it)
  10. Thanks, updated md5
  11. I think its the same problem as before, wait for the desktop to load before installing it
  12. The more the merrier Welcome
  13. The installer is english only, but it should detect your OS language and set the program to it
  14. Updated v3.20
  15. nLite tiene la opcion de eliminar a wmp pero no lo recomiendo.
  16. Si, limpia los drivers instalados/aplicados a tu pc pero aun seguirán integrados para ser re-aplicados nuevamente Si los tweaks son HKLM si, pero si son HKCU tienes que agregar CopyProfile a tu autounattend.xml <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> </component> </settings>Esto copia los ajustes y archivos de el usuario Administrator, es la cuenta a que te logeas cuando entras en sysprep. Solamente así los tweaks que hiciste que se registran en HKCU serán transferidas
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