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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Actualizado Agosto Gracias a todos los que me apoyan (saben quienes son,) esto no seria posible sin ustedes
  2. There is a switch, try extracting and run setup.exe with the following switch setup.exe /disableoslimitEdit: nope, tried and did not work You can try putting the updated MSI in with the v4.0.111 setup files and try that
  3. Link works fine here, turn off any scripts
  4. Bien gracias, el upl lo actualizare mañana si hay energía eléctrica (se fue esta mañana y .net 4/4.5 me tomó toda la tarde)
  5. 8-13-2013 Add: 2840642-v2
  6. 8-13-2013 Add: 2840642-v2 Also, updates should now show up in 'view installed updates'
  7. Same old my friend, same old. IMO update it if you use it yourself and share it with the rest of us. I only do installers that I personally use and share it so others can too.
  8. Happy Birthday tomorrow
  9. What is the hardware id of your usb device, maybe its a driver issue (I know intel released firmware updates for this BTW)
  10. No, no, no. The repo is down, McRip went on vacation or something and has not been heard from since
  11. I am accustomed to it, there are allot of people who may use stuff but they are mostly deadbeats. Nobody seems to want it, even if you are giving it to them for free
  12. I have had problems integrating drivers into 8.1 with the default (included with Win8.0) DISM, that means its possible there are problems integrating/removing stuff on a Win7 image using 8.1 ADK
  13. I have not done an integration/clean install in the longest time, but last time I tested 8.1 the problem (no USB keyboard/mouse working) still persisted. By the look of the driver INF the files have not changed go my guess is yes, problem still there BTW its not the CAT files problem, its the INF's I integrate the latest 9.2 and post install I update them with 9.4
  14. Sorry, no help for your pirate xp here either... /closed
  15. Because of space, you can view the supported switches by using /? or /h To answer your question, /y if you don't mind the install progress and /aif if you want no dialogs. (If you want a .net for Windows 7 I recommend v4.5) BTW next version of "Slim" .net installers will show the integrated updates, just waiting for a hotfix to show up and I will release them
  16. Added romanian lang I dont think I will be adding the other languages, only those requested
  17. m_s you think its possible for you to mod this to work on a live system to get the curret directory?
  18. Updated with files from InstallShield 2013 (a.k.a. v20.0)
  19. No this is for vista and 7, windows 8 has it included as part of the OS. However 4.5.1 will include a MSU to update the 4.5 to 4.5.1 in windows 8 (you will need to download the 4.5.1 FULL version to get the win8 compatible installer)
  20. You use /PackageName not /PackagePath Dism /Image:D:\<mounted install.wim folder> /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB976933~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ja-JP~6.1.7601.17514Some ja-JP folders are added by some updates/hotfixes (like virtual pc and others,) you cannot remove them unless you remove all the updates that added them or you can manually remove them
  21. No, business version number is exactly correct (it has 32)
  22. Thanks alfre, Updated Acaso, yo uso este enlace (este es para business, no tiene servicio updater) http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-msi
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