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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. This is wierd, when I use Firefox the oposite is true...WinCert detects it and uses the mobile skin and MSFN does not
  2. I think those are controlled by the UIFILE or XMLFILE resources
  3. Updated Visual C++ 2008 Runtimes v9.0.30729.7523 (KB2834565 replaces KB2607389)
  4. Yo opino que es mejor usar el browser
  5. Forgot to update the checksums, check aggain
  6. Either you did the repack wrong (I just made a NoGUI repack and it tested fine) or the sfx does not like it during setup (I was logged in when I tested it)
  7. Updated Visual C++ 2010 runtiems with KB2821701 to replace KB2723430 Also updated SFX and added version without F# & J#
  8. 100 is allot, there should only be a hand full (these consist of those updates that cannot be integrated and a few superseded)
  9. Yep, I don't know if the lang will auto set (will test and get back to you)
  10. Pegue tu ultimo session.ini Y pruebe cambiar ubicación de carpetas y/o en otra maquina si puedes
  11. Parece ser un error de nLite, cuantas veces ha ocurrido? Solo una o todo e tiempo?
  12. Que fase, integrando o instalando?
  13. Not a very good idea...all of the 32bit programs depend on this dir
  14. Aqui tienes http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/5784-addon-windows-management-framework-core-espanol/
  15. Pernmenamenent
  16. This only happens when you create your user account with autounattend.xml
  17. Don't delete anything, .NET 4(.5) on Windows 8 is a different animal. There are no setup files to remove, its already slim I DON'T really remove any .NET components, only the stuff in SetupCache that is used for displaying the install/uninstall progress in multiple languages and repair
  18. LOL
  19. Este tipo de error sucede de vez en cuando, uno solo tiene que copiar archivos frescos de iso y volver a intentar (desactivando el antivirus aveces ayuda, no es necesariamente la causa)
  20. There are a few new commands...like for instance you dont need to use imagex as much because dism can now do some things imagex did Here are a list of some of the new improvements http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/153742-dism-improvements-in-windows-8/ Some only work with Windows 8, like adding /Remove to your /Disable-Package will delete the files from WinSXS and this command used on online images to automatically scan for and cleanup superseded hotfixes dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
  21. Desactive tu antivirus y vuelva a intentar
  22. If you have Windows 7 you don't have to install WAIK or OPK because dism is already a part of the OS (unless you need the WinPE stuff or WSIM for autounattend.xml and help files) However I do recommend you install/use ADK if you are on Windows 7, it has a updated dism from Windows 8
  23. No XP is different, there are language packs for it but they are different
  24. 1- Will investigate issue 1.1+1.2- Yes, update will download all lang ini files. I cant fix that but I can fix the uninstall issue in the next installer 2- I don't have the coding skill to fix this, will need to see if somebody can help fix it 3+3.1- This is left over from the 1.6 installer source 4- I noticed the Taiwanese, it actually had Japanese text. I will remove it (this is also left over from the 1.6 installer source) 5- I know its not actually automatic updates, the reason I use it is because I don't know how to make a box to adjust the days and I can use the translation for "Automatic Updates" in shell32.dll string table #32165 from multiple languages of XP 6- Same result but 9 begins the extraction to a sub folder instantly/silently and 7 opens the program but then you have to push extract button 7- Yea I know, that has happened to me 8- Very useful to me, example Shark007 Win7/8 x64 components is compressed with inno setup but in unconventional, it has 1 EXE and 2 BINs, to extract I open a cmd prompt and run innounp -x -m -a <filename>.binHaving the <uniextract_dir>\bin folder added to PATH makes it possible to use the uniexctract bin tools manually from the cmd prompt9- Yes please, fix the Russian accelerators if you can (its OK if they conflict, just not the ones on the same page) [Installer]; Components pageCOMP_DOCS = "Документация и информация о лицензии"COMP_LANG = "Языковые файлы"COMP_ACE = "Поддержка файлов ACE"COMP_KGB = "Поддержка файлов KGB"COMP_PEA = "Поддержка файлов Pea"COMP_SIT = "Поддержка файлов StuffIt"; Preferences pagePREFS_CAPTION = "Опции программы"PREFS_DESCRIPTION = "Какие опции Universal Extractor'а нужно установить?"PREFS_LABEL1 = "Можно установить следующие опции по умолчанию."PREFS_LABEL2 = "Эти опции могут быть изменены после инсталляции путём правки файла UniExtract.ini."LANGUAGE_LABEL = "Язык по умолчанию"DEBUG_LABEL = "Расположение файла отладки"APPEND_EXT_LABEL = "&Добавлять отсутствующее расширение файла"HISTORY_LABEL = "&Сохранять историю архива"REMOVE_DUPE_LABEL = "Удалять &дубли файлов"REMOVE_TEMP_LABEL = "Удалять &временные файлы"WARN_EXECUTE_LABEL = "&Спрашивать перед запуском файлов"AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LABEL = "&Автоматическое обновление"; Tasks pageASSOCIATE = "&Интеграция в контекстное меню Проводника"ASSOCIATE_FILES = "Добавить 'UniExtract &файлы' в контекстное меню"ASSOCIATE_HERE = "Добавить 'UniExtract &здесь' в контекстное меню"ASSOCIATE_SUBDIR = "Добавить 'UniExtract в &папку' контекстное меню"ASSOCIATE_FORCE = "Принудительно &ассоциировать со всеми поддерживаемыми архивными форматами"MODIFY_PATH = "Добавить Universal Extractor в System &Path"DESKTOP_ICON = "Создать ярлык &на рабочем столе"QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON = "Создать ярлык &на панели быстрого запуска"SENDTO_ICON = "Создать ярлык в 'Отправить...'"; Context Menu integrationEXTRACT_FILES = "UniExtract &файлы"EXTRACT_HERE = "UniExtract &здесь"EXTRACT_SUB = "UniExtract в &папку"
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