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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Subido a MEGA
  2. Yes, by default the .net4.5 installer will do that (thats why I removed /ain)
  3. ITS NOT AN ERROR Its a limitation to 7zsplit.exe, its OLD and will skip the localization sections when spliting because it does not support splitting them If you want to test it TRY YOUR INSTALLER dont rely on 7zsplit to let you know if you did it correctly Oh and DONT use a split 7zsd.SFX because it will retain the old config.txt
  4. 7zsplit will only split between these two (it does not recognize the other sections) ;!@Install@!UTF-8!......;!@InstallEnd@!Solution is simple...dont use the split one, use the INTL sfx builder's config.txt1- Download original slim installer (not the intl) and extract it 2- Download the tr LP and extract it to where you extracted the slim installer and recompress (also add "tr" to the LP MSI name) 3- Download the Intl SFX builder 4- Delete config.txt localizations, keep default and 1055 sections 5- To rebuild the installer drag & drop the 7z file onto cmd Keep only these two for Turkish: ;!@Install@!UTF-8!......;!@InstallEnd@!;!@Install@!UTF-8:Language:1055!......;!@InstallEnd@:Language:1055!I think what you are doing is build your installer and using 7zsplit to split the config.txt from your rebuilt installer to see if it came out...you did not do it wrong its a limit to 7zsplit. If you want to truly test if it works simply run your installer and see if the LP and localizations show up
  5. Talvez el nuevo Mega funcione mejor (Putlocker tambien es bueno)
  6. Use the SFX builder from the Intl .net (add/delete/change whatever you want) http://adf.ly/1713566/dotnet45intsfx
  7. Some installer dialogs (extract, cancel, finish) now translated and updated SFX builder with same translations
  8. There is one that comes with the language pack already integrated, you can use it or the SFX builder. Yyou will have to rename your LP MSI installer or edit the one in config.txt (you can remove the other SFX language sections and just keep your locale) http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11033-intl-slim-net-framework-45-full-lp-x86x64-2-26-2013/
  9. Updated 7zip sfx mod to the latest 1.5 stable, install gui cleanup and is now localized (intl version comming soon) Note: NO updates added, NO need to reinstall if you have earlier version
  10. Revised instaler and SFX builder RTF code cleanup (to properly display foreign fotns) and installer dialog cleanup (removed /? instructions and URL) NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REINSTALL IF YOU HAVE THE PREVIOUS VERSION
  11. The Slim Intl installer test is out http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11033-testers-needed-net-framework-45-intl/ Should detect your language and install the apropriate LP (also some installer dialogs like: extracting, cancel, finish have been localized)
  12. Run the installer with /?
  13. The language pack is needed if you have a non English OS and the GUI you mention that need translations are .NET aplications and/or .NET error messages Yes, I remove non essential stuff (but I also have a rebuilt installer that keeps that stuff and still saves you space)
  14. I dont care really, I also provide a "NoGUI" version if you want it to be 100% silent Just make sure to use a fresh SFX so you dont run into problems (in the past I have run into problems with 7zip sfx instalelrs when I reused the sfx, the config.txt edits I did did not take) BTW I am working on a AIO instller that has all the LP's that will install the correct LP depending on your OS language
  15. Thats why I have a SFX builder so all you need to do is extract the files, add lp files, rezip, drag&drop onto cmd Here you can see the config.txt still embedded in the SFX I split from my slim .net framework 4.5 compared to the one in the SFX builder
  16. Dont reuse the SFX if you want to edit config.txt, because old config.txt stays embedded in the old.sfx
  17. Updated (KB2607389) VC 2008 v9.0.30729.7497
  18. Yep, remove that in setup.ini and it should automatically set your current language as the default one You pack and mine are different, mine is not a wtk addon and with mine you need to provide the updates and make it silent (yours is for the toolkit advanced user, mine is more for the regular user but can also be used by advanced users)
  19. Since you are making a package with the definitions as well you should think about adding NIS http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11016-repak-microsoft-security-essentials-x86x64-v42223-intl/?p=95953 Feel free to use any config.txt code from my repack (you should at least grab all the languages and edit setup.ini to remove Market so you have a true AIO)
  20. I think I will leave that one out for the time being, because its not compatible with XP and the x64 in the filename. If you think you can do it you could rebuild the sfx with the capabilities...just add this to the config.txt AutoInstall="x86:\"%%S\\nis_full\" /q"AutoInstall="x64:\"%%S\\nis_full%%P\" /q"Let me know if you need helpEdit: BTW reuploaded, does not affect install only minor help dialog improvements
  21. I think you mean they dont install on XP
  22. Do you know of a fwlink from Microsoft that will download a file with x64 in the name (nis_fullx64.exe) same as the definitions? I need this difference between the two filenames so that the installer will call the right one depending on what arch it detects you are launching from Updated...now you can force the installation language <installer>.exe xx-XX and/or <installer>.exe /ai xx-XXThanks to McRip for the SetIni suggestion, it was tough figuring out how to do this but turns out the solution was very simple
  23. Subime a nero y me lo mandas por MP a ver que puedo hacer
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