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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Updated 7-22-2012 Add: 2682543 Rem: 2688026 Only matters if you use Extended, if you install Client only you can completely ignore this update
  2. El error es algo que sucede de vez en cuando, desactive tu antivirus y comience de nuevo
  3. Yes it did
  4. Downloaded fine here, try with IE
  5. Upated v1.6.1.63c French.ini Spanish.ini TrIDDefs.TRD (4797 file types, 20/07/12)
  6. I cannot for the life of me figure out the problem, I suggest you use UpdateInis for the time being BTW the [install] named section cannot be the problem, my sidebar has it and it works just fine. OH and I think yes you do need (at least) the IconPath for URL ProfileItems shortcuts
  7. Yep, I thought about making a AIO but chose not to, I could make you one its not too hard Edit: here it is, first I need you to test it (make sure WU does not complain) http://adf.ly/1713566/rootsaio MD5: e6118eedde13e22e9cec8e0f7f976296 BTW I think the reason rootsupd.exe can be added to an offline image is because nLite knows of it, you may have to rename rootsaio.exe to rootsupd.exe in order for nLite to recognize it
  8. This is a tough one, cant figure out your exact problem (I think there is something wrong with the regdll trick code) Your url profileitems is fine, just need to remove the InfoTip because this is not a .LNK but a .URL that is generated which is noting but a .INI file with a extension change BTW that reminds me you can also use UpdateInis to create a .URL. This method is better because you don't have to use the RegisterDLLs trick, the regular defaultinstall will work (give this a test) [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [DefaultInstall] UpdateInis=Dropbox.Website [Dropbox.Website] %16386%\Dropbox\Dropbox Website.url,InternetShortcut,,URL=http://www.dropbox.com Edit: I think I figured it out, its your [install] section, try changing the name to anything other than "Install" (this is used by driver INFs)
  9. I use it also Tip: if for some reason AdF.ly page is blocked because you are using adblock (this happens on occasion,) hit the back button (<-) on your browser twice
  10. Your ProfileItems flag is wrong, this is what you do for "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs" [Icon1] Name = "Dropbox Website", 0x00000008, 2 URL = "http://www.dropbox.com" SubDir = "Dropbox" IconPath = 16410,"Dropbox\bin","Dropbox.exe" IconIndex = 1 InfoTip = "Dropbox Website" [Icon2] Name = "Dropbox", 0x00000008, 2 CmdLine = 16410,"Dropbox\bin","Dropbox.exe /home" SubDir = "Dropbox" WorkingDir = 16410,"Dropbox\bin" [Icon3] Name = "Uninstall", 0x00000008, 2 CmdLine = 16410,"Dropbox\bin","Uninstall.exe" SubDir = "Dropbox" WorkingDir = 16410,"Dropbox\bin" BTW also, the reason your url shortcut is not being created is that you need to use advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection* to call your install section (try my trick that uses RegisterDLLs to call the install section) Have a look at my list Special ProfileItems 0x00000008,2 = "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs" 0x00000008,5 = "%UserProfile%\My Documents" 0x00000008,6 = "%UserProfile%\Favorites" <- Perfect for adding custom IE Bookmarks 0x00000008,7 = "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" 0x00000008,8 = "%UserProfile%\Recent" 0x00000008,9 = "%UserProfile%\SendTo" 0x00000008,11 = "%UserProfile%\Start Menu" 0x00000008,13 = "%UserProfile%\My Documents\My Music" 0x00000008,14 = "%UserProfile%\My Documents\My Videos" 0x00000008,16 = "%UserProfile%\Desktop" 0x00000008,19 = "%UserProfile%\NetHood" 0x00000008,20 = "%WinDir%\Fonts" 0x00000008,21 = "%UserProfile%\Templates" 0x00000008,22 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu" 0x00000008,23 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs" 0x00000008,24 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" 0x00000008,25 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop" 0x00000008,26 = "%UserProfile%\Application Data" <- Perfect for QuickLauch 0x00000008,27 = "%UserProfile%\PrintHood" 0x00000008,28 = "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data" 0x00000008,31 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Favorites" 0x00000008,32 = "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" 0x00000008,33 = "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Cookies" 0x00000008,34 = "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\History" 0x00000008,35 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data" 0x00000008,36 = "%WinDir%" 0x00000008,37 = "%WinDir%\system32" 0x00000008,38 = "%ProgramFiles%" 0x00000008,39 = "%UserProfile%\My Documents\My Pictures" 0x00000008,40 = "%UserProfile%" 0x00000008,41 = "%WinDir%\system32" 0x00000008,43 = "%CommonProgramFiles%" 0x00000008,45 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Templates" 0x00000008,46 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Documents" 0x00000008,47 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools" 0x00000008,48 = "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools" 0x00000008,53 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Documents\My Music" 0x00000008,54 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Documents\My Pictures" 0x00000008,55 = "%AllUsersProfile%\Documents\My Videos" 0x00000008,56 = "%WinDir%\Resources" 0x00000008,57 = "%WinDir%\Resources\0409" 0x00000008,59 = "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning"
  11. Welcome
  12. Pues tiene que haber un addon creado del programa que quieres integrar Otra manera de integrar programas es en sysprep, donde instalas a Windows 7 y entras en audit mode, luego instalas tu programas, cuando terminas generalice y capturas tu imagen Vea este post (disculpe esta en ingles) para un video que te va a dar una buena idea de lo que hablo
  13. Thanks le
  14. Gracias, no saben cuanto lo agradezco :giveheart: Y no se preocupen, el UPL continuara mientras haya una persona usándolo
  15. Use KUC to scan your mounted wim for updates, it will give you exactly the updates you need and nothing more
  16. Thanks Kel. Yes I do, sent you a PM
  17. OH MY!!! looks like I will also be able to upgrade my WRT54G router with a WRT*N (maybe now I can transfer files or watch a video over WiFi without droping the internet,) a 1TB external USB drive, also a wireless Logitech keyboard/mouse (that will surely go to my Mom) BIG THANK YOU to all who have helped so far Edit: EEEK!!! just googled "WRT120N review" and got a barrage of bad reviews (not wireless n?) but its fine, my g router is ok
  18. OK no lo abandonare, hasta que me muera yo o XP @cotz esos errores suceden de vez en cuando con nLite, vuelva a copiar archivos de XP frescos e intente nuevamente
  19. PayPal info puesto
  20. Yea I know what you mean, 9.25 alpha is the lastest stable working version
  21. I think the reason it looks purple is because its a png (maybe because of transparency) mixing with the blue of the forum skin and making it seem purple I say this because the same image I link to in my post does not appear purple only the one on top Maybe if you change to format to bmp or something else it will fix it
  22. I just tried it with IE and there is no problem, only FireFox
  23. Crea un addon svcpack/runonceex Agregue esto a tu config.txt AutoInstall="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx\\AVG /ve /d \"AVG Free Antivirus\" /f" AutoInstall="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx\\AVG /v 1 /d %%S\\%%M /f" En tu entries*.ini agregue el switch -ai...lo que va a pasar es durante T-13 el instalador va a ejecutar pero no va a tratar de instalar, solo va a agregar las entradas de registro en la seccion AutoInstall para ejecutar el instalador nuevamente pero cuando primero empieza windows Agregando lo de arriba no afecta el instalador si lo ejecutas normalmente, solo cundo ejecutas a tu instalador con /ai o -ai es cuando se agregan las entradas runonceex Los variables %%S representa a la ruta de donde ejecutaste tu sfx y %%M se convierte en el nombre del sfx
  24. My 1st screenshot, site and forum issues (my last post) Edit: duh ignore what I said I was confused, that is my Topic Tittle not Guest username LOL Edit2: here is the direct link to the image I am seeing http://www.wincert.net/forum/public/style_images/1_Untitled-1.png
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