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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Correcto, depende de si instalas el x86/x64 y la velocidad de tu PC Suba tu paquete te la reviso Puedes agregar /fm1 para que aparezca el dialogo de "instalacion completa"
  2. If any new updates come out and you want to make sure the LDR files are used you can use the script by burfadel or w7 toolkit to do a online install that forces LDR
  3. Dun, look in the topic I linked to in the previous post
  4. Dont know but somebody could make one out of the "Mixed" addon I updated that is by yumeyao http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=121646#121646 Add the loose files to system32 (x86) or syswow64 (x64) and set the installer in \svcpack to install (the installer only has the x86 runtimes but I can cook up one with both if you want)
  5. Windows AIK/OPK (by Microsoft,) Windows 7 Toolkit (by Lego in this forum & can force LDR,) RT7Lite, and many many more
  6. I dont think it matters if you integrate the update before or after
  7. Acabo de checkear y la lista de actualizaciones de SoLoR esta completa P.D. Y al parecer el paquete Slim con los MSI ha sido actualizado y el MST aplicado, solo tienes que agregarle los MSP Stub
  8. 1) No uses ese paquete esta viejo y le hace falta el nuevo WUFix v3.1 y Stub v1.2 para silenciar a Windows Update 2) Las actualizaciones de SoLoR no son todas, use mi "hotfix list" y/o "changelog" en la primera pagina para tener todo. Los LP tambi
  9. I know one hotfix hardly merits a update, but since its patch Tuesday some of you will do fresh installs so...updated with KB2675468
  10. Placeholders are only needed if you do regular integration/installs, if you force the LDR branch with a script or w7t you dont need them
  11. Actualizado...es todo por hoy
  12. Tema Royale es para Explorer, esto es Royale para logonui.exe y winntbbu.dll No es necesario perso si quieres tu dialogo de instalacion y pantalla de inicio con estilo Royale use este addon
  13. Mire en sp3udpck.inf en la linea de AddReg, suficiente para empezar No tengo lista de actualizaciones, demasiado trabajo mantener
  14. Updated all LP's
  15. The 7zsd.sfx in dotNET4sfxNoGUI supports all IDK where you could get a GUI sfx with lzma2 support
  16. Gr8, now its idiot proof And one more suggestion You should add a checkbox to the installer so that you have the option to only add the driver [-a] and not install it [-i -a] Make the default action -i -a just have the option to turn off -i This for when you dont have the hardware or its not connected
  17. Not doing it by force may prevent you from mistakenly deleting a driver that is "in use"...Its like a "are you sure you want to delete this no matter what" choice
  18. How are you using -f (Force)? Will it be used by default or will you add a checkbox?
  19. Will you also be implementing pnputil driver uninstaller? When I update my drivers I always use this to remove the old one, right after I scan for the oem inf number with -e (-f is used to force uninstall in cases where the driver is in use/installed) pnputil -d [-f] oem#.inf
  20. Driver installer looks gr8
  21. Parece que tiene que ser el uno o el otro, porque no agregas tu seleccion de ultimate a tu autounattend.xml <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <ImageInstall> <OSImage> <InstallFrom> <MetaData wcm:action="add"> <Key>/IMAGE/NAME</Key> <Value>Windows 7 ULTIMATE</Value> </MetaData> </InstallFrom> <InstallToAvailablePartition>false</InstallToAvailablePartition> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> </component> </settings>
  22. Waiting for more updates or patch Tuesday
  23. /qb /qn or nothing FYI you dont need to apply them to this installer they are integrated
  24. No lo recomiendo Active setup ejecuta cada vez que creas un usuario, termina de registrar cosas para el nuevo usuario...la razon que solo ejecuta una vez es porque crea entradas en HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components Si borras los guid de esta locacion y reinicias veras que active setup vuelve a ejecutar Si vas a HKLM\<Mismo_Lugar> veras los active setup que ejecutan, estos vuelven a ejecutar si la version en HKLM es mayor que la de HKCU http://www.etlengine...activesetup.txt http://www.appdeploy.com/articles/activesetup.asp
  25. Eso no es RunOnce, eso es Active Setup RunOnceEx Active Setup
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