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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/232509 http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/47470-runonceex-flags-not-working/
  2. nLite tambien puede integrar un thema que tienes en tu pc actual y ponerlo por defecto
  3. Add: 2600211 Rem: 983182, 2544514, 2605597, 2652319, 2656351 Upd: MST
  4. No para Vista pero si hay un paquete con todas las actualizaciones despues del lanzamiento de sp1 para Windows 7 http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/19461-Windows-Hotfix-repository/
  5. No, my "clean" slim msi's dont have anything done to them but slimming...you have to apply the WUFixClient.mst to both "core" installers (and of course the MSP updates,) also add the KB2468871 MSP stub to install with both core+extended installers
  6. You can 7zsplit it and repack it to your needs with langpack, without extended, etc
  7. Si hay fonts en la carpeta Fonts sin registrar ejecutando FontReg los registra...si tu copias los fonts usando la carpeta $oem$ al ejecutar FontReg estas serán registradas Otra forma de hacer addon de fonts es este método
  8. No, solo ejecuto el fontreg durante t-13, esto añade los fuentes (incluyendo las que copiaste) que no están registradas al registro de Windows
  9. I tried adding my serial using dism and it did not take, I thought it was because I was using dism.exe while on Windows 7 was the reason it did not work
  10. fontreg /? para ver como usarlo Si usas el UPL solo tienes que copiar tus fuentes a la carpeta Fonts, el upl tiene fontreg y lo ejecuto para reparar/registrar fuentes en la carpeta Fonts que no estan registrados
  11. That package does not have the latest WUFix MST, before I used a embedded VBS script to add the registry entries for KB2468871 in the old transforms.MST. Now I use a MSP I created (thanks to a tutorial by yumeyao) that has no files, all it does is add the registry entry I will upload my base vanilla slim files that you can apply my MST to (MsiTran.exe -a <transforms>.mst <installer>.msi) and you can also add the MSP to install with it also (the download link will be on the 1st page, keep an eye out) Edit: I decided not to upload my full slim package, but here are the MSI's from that package that have no MST applied to them. You can apply the MST and overwrite the files in SoLoR's package with these http://www.mediafire...a9fhi3r4lf5rv38 And YES its better if you use the installer, all the work is done already. But if you wish to learn how to make it yourself I provide all the tools
  12. If its stable enough I may use it as my primary OS
  13. 2-29-2012 Add: 2645609, 2675049 Rem: 2588096, 2652531, 2654625
  14. Hello who is unaproving all these posts? What is with this close crap, I did not writ this, is there a bug in the forum?
  15. No se quien desaprobó este topic pero la respuesta es si usas driverpacks active la opción de KTD
  16. All LP's updated
  17. If you disable your antivirus you could maybe speed up the process a bit
  18. Correct, MS added (one or) both of them in the latest sp1 refresh iso's http://www.shirmanov...so-on-msdn.html Edit: kb976902 was a prerequisite and tipically installed before sp1, kb976902 was added in the refresh iso to fix a oobe bug
  19. Those are added by microsoft kb976902 was syspreped so its status is installed kb2534111 was integrated so it shows as pending
  20. No recomiendo usar la opcion de reparar si integras el UPL o DriverPacks
  21. 2-18-2012 Add: KB2509900, KB2644426 Rem: KB2624480 Upd: MSP
  22. Puedes eliminar mucho, con tal que no eliminas componentes despues de integrar el UPL, puede quebrar a tu iso...trate de eliminar componentes en la misma sesion que integrar el pack
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