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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Puedes subir tu .theme te muestro como crearlo con autounattend.xml
  2. Was asked to cease and decist by author and that is what I will do
  3. These installers have been edited to remove toolbars (I also removed old visual c++ 2008 red) and I update some internal components link removed... More Details: - (x86) Removed Ask, Bing and WeatherBug ToolBars from the installer - (x86) Removed old Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (so you may need to install separately) - (x86/x64) Internally updated the following files: Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest msvcp90.dll 9.0.30729.6225 msvcr90.dll 9.0.30729.6225 msvcp71.dll 7.10.6052.0 msvcr71.dll 7.10.7031.4 SetACL.exe unrar.dll - (x64) Uninstall name and install directory of the x64 Components change depending on what O.S. you install Install directory: %ProgramW6432%\Win7codecs or %ProgramW6432%\VistaCodecPack vs (generic directory) %ProgramW6432%\Shark007
  4. Resubido y actualizado con KB2424434
  5. Era la versión ingles, corregido
  6. cmdlines.txt no ejecuta después de primer inicio es ejecutado cuando faltan 12 minutos para que termine la instalación
  7. Es para XP Home y Pro SP3
  8. Yes, any language and any version of windows 7 sp1 you can add all of SoLoR's updates to
  9. Im not talking about that sfx maker I am talking about mine that is specifically for this package...look on the first page for the "other tools" section under the lang pack links There is even a silent 7zsd.sfx/config.txt alternative that you can use if you are building a silent switch installer
  10. Its pretty easy to do, you can repack it using the sfxmaker and simply add the ngen command in config.txt under the 'client only' install section you call with a switch, or you could add it under them all like so ;Default Full w/ install prompt RunProgram="x64:netfx_core_x64.msi /qb!" ;RunProgram="x64:netfx_corelp_x64.msi /qb!" RunProgram="x86:netfx_core_x86.msi /qb!" ;RunProgram="x86:netfx_corelp_x86.msi /qb!" RunProgram="x64:netfx_extended_x64.msi /qb!" ;RunProgram="x64:netfx_extendedlp_x64.msi /qb!" RunProgram="x86:netfx_extended_x86.msi /qb!" ;RunProgram="x86:netfx_extendedlp_x86.msi /qb!" RunProgram="hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" RunProgram="x64:hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" ;[/ai | SHIFT] Client ONLY w/ progress bar AutoInstall="x64:netfx_core_x64.msi /qb!" ;AutoInstall="x64:netfx_corelp_x64.msi /qb!" AutoInstall="x86:netfx_core_x86.msi /qb!" ;AutoInstall="x86:netfx_corelp_x86.msi /qb!" AutoInstall="hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" AutoInstall="x64:hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" ;[/aic] Client ONLY w/o progress bar AutoInstallc="x64:netfx_core_x64.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallc="x64:netfx_corelp_x64.msi /qn" AutoInstallc="x86:netfx_core_x86.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallc="x86:netfx_corelp_x86.msi /qn" AutoInstallc="hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" AutoInstallc="x64:hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" ;[/aif] Client + Extended w/o progress bar AutoInstallf="x64:netfx_core_x64.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallf="x64:netfx_corelp_x64.msi /qn" AutoInstallf="x86:netfx_core_x86.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallf="x86:netfx_corelp_x86.msi /qn" AutoInstallf="x64:netfx_extended_x64.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallf="x64:netfx_extendedlp_x64.msi /qn" AutoInstallf="x86:netfx_extended_x86.msi /qn" ;AutoInstallf="x86:netfx_extendedlp_x86.msi /qn" AutoInstallf="hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" AutoInstallf="x64:hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent" ;[/ain] Client + Extended + ngen w/o progress bar ;Not needed for this section
  11. Welcome to you too "NIM" LOL
  12. Es un error que me sucede de vez en cuando (es muy raro,) no es normal si te sucede todo el tiempo y no se la causa
  13. Wim compression is pretty smart, it definitely wont be 64.8x3
  14. Es broma
  15. Actualizado y resubido a mediafire
  16. El UPL se integra con nLite igual a un hotfix El lang actualizado no lo tengo fíjese, ojala alguien mas lo tiene
  17. Thanks M_S, will be some time before I am able to upload
  18. Uploaded dotNET4sfxNoGUI.7z so you can make it 100% /silent, you can find it with the "Other" resources on the first page (also added MsiTran.Exe to apply transforms)
  19. Filesonic ya no funciona, estoy subiendo todo lo que pueda a dropbox
  20. Just an FYI: If you hold shift my installer will only install client only
  21. Sure, dont see a problem
  22. Those are for .net framework 4 and cannot be integrated into win7 I maintain a slim .net4 installer with all the updates integrated http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9154
  23. No hay nuevas para XP
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