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Everything posted by ricktendo

  1. Actualizado
  2. Im not too sure about KB2524375 I think you mean KB2607712
  3. Si eliminas a ayuda y soporte nLite elimina todos archivos hlp y chm, esto no es bueno por eso lo tienes que eliminar cuando integras el upl porque ciertos chm y hlp son protegidos (tambien algunos componentes) ;Este secci
  4. El INF ajusta los punteros de la pantalla de logeo, los punteros del escritorio son controlado por tus temas, agregue esto a tus .theme [Control Panel\Cursors] Arrow=%WinDir%cursors\aero_arrow.cur Help=%WinDir%cursors\aero_helpsel.cur AppStarting=%WinDir%cursors\aero_working.ani Wait=%WinDir%cursors\aero_busy.ani NWPen=%WinDir%cursors\aero_pen.cur No=%WinDir%cursors\aero_unavail.cur SizeNS=%WinDir%cursors\aero_ns.cur SizeWE=%WinDir%cursors\aero_ew.cur Crosshair= IBeam= SizeNWSE=%WinDir%cursors\aero_nwse.cur SizeNESW=%WinDir%cursors\aero_nesw.cur SizeAll=%WinDir%cursors\aero_move.cur UpArrow=%WinDir%cursors\aero_up.cur DefaultValue=Aero de Windows Hand=%WinDir%cursors\aero_link.cur
  5. Correcto, agregas el upl y addons en la sección de actualizaciones de nLite y asegúrate si vas a eliminar componentes no lo hagas en sesiones secundarias, haga todo en una sola sesión
  6. Ejecutas el instalador y buscas en %userprofile% (no me acuerdo exactamente adonde) por la carpeta con el MSI...ahora el MST es ostra cosa, uso a Restorator para exportar como RAW JAVA_INSTALLER\93 (o 94 no me acuerdo) y le pones como extensión .mst para traducir los diálogos del instalador a español
  7. Yo no guardo addons viejos, no tengo espacio suficieante
  8. Correcto, gracias por reportarlo
  9. You can probably make it work with home, but there are files you have to add to txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf that are only in pro (you also have to add "d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386" to [Directories] of dosnet.inf in home) Here is something to start you off, I dont have time today to find the files that are not listed in txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf but I think thats all thats left (if you do it and post it I can check it for you) ;============================= ; MCE05 addon by ricktendo64 | ;============================= [general] builddate=2011/09/12 description=Converts Windows XP Home into Media Center Edition 2005. forcelang=English language=English title=Media Center 2005 version=5.1.2715.3011 website=http://www.ricktendo.com/ Windows=XP ;This section prevents nessesary "Components" from removal by nLite (v1.4.9 and up) [NeededComponents] 165,185,241,275,293,319,321,327,383,534,538,849,893,897,949,1631,1237 ; # Component ;165 ="Media Center" ;185 ="Internet Explorer Core" ;241 ="Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)" ;275 ="COM+" ;293 ="Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" ;319 ="Windows Media Player 6.4" ;321 ="Windows Media Player" ;327 ="Windows Management Instrumentation" ;383 ="Event Log" ;534 ="System Event Notification (SENS)" ;538 ="Video Capture" ;849 ="DirectX diagnostic tool" ;893 ="ActiveX for streaming video" ;897 ="Teletext codec" ;949 ="Acm Core Codecs" ;1631="DirectX" ;1237="OpenGL Support" [sysoc] Freestyle=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,medctroc.inf,HIDE,7 SonicDVDandCDBurning=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,sonic.inf,,7 WinPlus=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,plusoc.inf,,7 [FileMove] MEDIACTR.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386 PLUS.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386 SONIC.CAB,..\CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR\I386 [EditFile] HIVESYS.INF,AddReg,AddMCEReg HIVESFT.INF,AddReg,AddFonts HIVESFT.INF,Strings,AddStrings SYSOC.INF,Directories,AddDirs [AddMCEReg] HKLM,"SYSTEM\WPA\MediaCenter","Installed",,"1" [AddFonts] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%script_mt_bold%",,"scriptbl.ttf" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts","%tahoma_small_cap_bold%",,"tahomscb.ttf" [AddStrings] script_mt_bold = "Script MT Bold (TrueType)" tahoma_small_cap_bold = "Tahoma Small Cap Bold (TrueType)" [AddDirs] d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386 [dosnet_files] d1,ehOCGen.dll d1,msnp.ax d1,plusoc.dll d1,plusoc.inf d1,plus.cat d3,plus.cab d1,scriptbl.ttf d1,sonic.inf d1,sonic.cat d3,sonic.cab d1,tahomscb.ttf [txtsetup_files] ehOCGen.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0 msdvbnp.ax = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 msnp.ax = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 plusoc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0 plusoc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 plus.cat = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 plus.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3 psisdecd.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 psisrndr.ax = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 scriptbl.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22 sonic.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 sonic.cat = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 sonic.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3 tahomscb.ttf = 1,,,,,,,22,0,0,,1,22
  10. Confirmado y solucionado reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WININET_FTP_FOLDER_VIEW_KB939653" /f
  11. 1) not meant for home, there are some differences that need to be addressed in the entries.ini (a bit more complicated) 2) It does not really change the OS or the key validation process and MS Update is just baffled (I have no problems with vlk)
  12. You can no longer use CustomDefaultThemeFile to change the default theme, you can only create one with autounattend.xml now
  13. Check out in one of these videos I show how I use installwatch to get the registry entries (the WA addon video was similar when I find it I will post it)
  14. Heres a quick guide, there was a video but I cant seem to find it ATM
  15. Esto no tiene nada que ver con el tema pero tengo un addon de everest y sonidos vista por si acaso te interesan
  16. Prueben esto, hagan clic derecho y seleccionen Instalar (DefCursor.inf) [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [DefaultInstall] AddReg=Default.AddReg [Default.AddReg] HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors",,,"%Aero%" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Scheme Source",0x10001,2 HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","NWPen",,"%10%\cursors\aero_pen.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","SizeAll",,"%10%\cursors\aero_move.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Hand",,"%10%\cursors\aero_link.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Help",,"%10%\cursors\aero_helpsel.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Crosshair",,"" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","SizeNWSE",,"%10%\cursors\aero_nwse.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","SizeNS",,"%10%\cursors\aero_ns.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","UpArrow",,"%10%\cursors\aero_up.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","SizeWE",,"%10%\cursors\aero_ew.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Arrow",,"%10%\cursors\aero_arrow.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","Wait",,"%10%\cursors\aero_busy.ani" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","AppStarting",,"%10%\cursors\aero_working.ani" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","IBeam",,"" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","SizeNESW",,"%10%\cursors\aero_nesw.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors","No",,"%10%\cursors\aero_unavail.cur" HKU,".DEFAULT\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes",%Aero%,,"%10%\cursors\aero_arrow.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_helpsel.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_working.ani,%10%\cursors\aero_busy.ani,,,%10%\cursors\aero_pen.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_unavail.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_ns.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_ew.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_nwse.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_nesw.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_move.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_up.cur,%10%\cursors\aero_link.cur" [Strings] Aero="Aero de Windows"
  17. El reg que puse es solo si usas mi addon de punteros aero, no funciona con los demas http://www.thebitgur...s+Mouse+Cursors
  18. Cuidado con instaladores de ccleaner que no sean de piriform http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/20063/gfi-senior-threat-researcher-warns-on-cybercriminal-sting-offering-lowcost-versions-of-ccleaner/
  19. SoLoR hace un update pack para 7 compatible con todos idiomas y para addons puedes buscar en la seccion de Windows 7 Toolkit para encontrar la herramienta para integrarlas Lo que hago yo es pre-instalar mis aplicaciones y capturo la imagen, asi tengo todo instalado y configurado como quiero
  20. The thing is I have to go for the cheapest option, first it was try to fix it myself, then the next was send it to shop, now next in line is get a new mobo
  21. WTF!!! you have a office 2010 w7t addon? Thats insanely complicated
  22. Si tienes integrado mi addon de ShellExt contiene una herramienta (en enviar a) llamado CabTool que si mandar un archivo.ext lo comprime ARCHIVO.EX_, si le envias una \Carpeta comprime todo dentro con el nombre CARPETA.CAB
  23. VAIO VGN-AR870 I sent it to the shop but did not manage to get it fixed
  24. No esta tan lejano, IE9 se convierte en IE8 en modo clásico en Vista/7
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