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Wacky Chammomile

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  1. Hmm ... I dun quite get which software do u mean I'm using
  2. It has been quite a long time... here's mine! too messy, lack of idea here!! *Just add some minor changes...
  3. vielen dank.. :thumb: :thumb:
  4. Nice topic ... how on earth did u came out wif this idea.. hehheee :thumb:
  5. Nice.. I've been waiting for sumting like this to replace the default notepad ... :thumb:
  6. My desktop entry for Sept... kinda late Click thumbnail for larger view... :whistle:
  7. I like.. it looks like Vista.. as well as the functionality!!! .. Thanks :thumbsup_anim:
  8. Nice.. keep up the good work! :thumbsup_anim: By the way which file shud I use... there's 2 file... wat is setup.exe??? :icon_question:
  9. :thumbsup_anim: nice... looking fwd to hear more!!
  10. My 1st evr post here... :icon_rolleyes: