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  1. i integrated only solors updates and still got the bsod on x64 using a clean msdn sp1 aio image. a few versions back all was working fine. cant say i dont blame w7t
  2. good to know. i guess all figured out then. keep up the good work mate, really appreciated.
  3. thanks rick, ima go give it a try right away. btw i only removed the semicolons from the lines that contained a .msi file in them. i gather this is what was necessary to include the LPs, the semicolons before the comments about what the switches do are ofc untouched. yep it worked like a charm, with the slimmed LP integrated, the process went through without any warnings whatsoever, although the dotnet4 updates still dont appear under VMWare8, but maybe they are not even supposed to. gonna test this for real soon. thanks again!
  4. hey rick, i was wondering if you could help me with the LP integration so as i can do dotnet4 in Hungarian. i downloaded the two LPs. extracted the content of your original slim 7z archive and that of the two LP files (seems as though the two setups use some identical files as i was asked to overwrite some) into the same dir, i could see the LP msi files for both the client and the extended versions. 7zipped them all together, did the semi colon removal with context.txt, then created the exe by opening the the new 7z file with the batch file and a new exe file was indeed created. However when I tested it on VM8 only for the client install, it went okay until the end, where i got this sort of an error message that "you need to run setup.exe" or something. installation was succesful, although i dont think the language pack got integrated, plus the integrated dotnet4 updates do not show under windows updates, i dont know if thats okay. if you can provide some help, thats appreciated, if you could do the dirty work for me, thats even cooler. here's a link to the 2 LP files: http://speedy.sh/edYcs/dotnet4LP-hu.zip Thanks and god bless