Everything posted by rubab
[Theme] Vista Live Blue, Live Grey & Live Red for XP
Links updated.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I am still getting this error: I used XPtsp_v3.0.0.26_GUI.exe and selected the following options: 1.Integrate in a Windows Xp Source (Offline Mode) 2.Chose MSDN XP SP3 + XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack Post-SP3 20120710 + IE7 + WMP11+ Addon_Microsoft.Net_AIO_ROE_20120612 source 3.Downloaded the latest Green.xptsp from here 4.Unchecked everything from Extra's Package Page. 5.Uncheck Hexedit,Program Resources and everthing from Extra stuff(Except Bootscreen and Autoplay) 6.Unchecked "Use professional visual theme" and "Include XPtsp Orb" So what can i do to avoid that error?
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I was talking about the:"New Palette $B=" Error After $B it was blank, i didn't have that long strain of number/alphabet like qwesta.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I got the same message and it was on "Task 1 of 11" and after i got the message "unable to open sysoc.inf" and clicked OK XPtsp closed automatically. BTW i was using Offline mode.
[Addon] Paint.NET 3.5.2 (x86 & x64)
Thanks a lot man for creating and updating this addon. :thumbsup_anim:
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I integrated without selecting the OEM info Generator and it worked. Thanks a lot for updating it.
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
Thanks a lot rick. It worked. Tested it twice.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I am still getting this error during t-13: "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Files\XPtsp\XPtsp.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. " I selected OEM info Generator and Unchecked "Include Resources". Yes i am using v1.4.6.2. I matched the Hashes.
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
OK it didn't work. I mean if i only edit the theme it only changes the wallpaers mouse pointer and sound. But it didn't change the Visual Style. I will try changing the line were it mentioned Royale.msstyles and see if that works. Does anyone know how i can change the Logon Screen when i am applying XPtsp because i edited logonui.exe.res sysdm.cpl.res and pasted it on the temporary folder XPtsp creates but it only changed the sysdm.cpl but the logon screen was the same which was on the original logonui.exe.res.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
Yes that is exactly what i do. I mean i select OEM info Generator and Uncheck "Include Resources". BTW thanks for updating it i will try it soon. Can you tell me how i can change the Logon Screen when i am applying XPtsp because i edited logonui.exe.res and sysdm.cpl.res and pasted it on the temporary folder which XPtsp creates but it only changed the sysdm.cpl but the logon screen was the same which was on the original logonui.exe.res. Remember i am using the Media Center addon. Is there any special resource which patches the files if it is Media Center because i want to change the default Logon Image which comes with XPtsp.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I am gettin this error during t-13: "Cannot find Xptstp.exe on C:\Program Files\XPtsp\XPtsp.exe"
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
That looks pretty easy for me. Thanks a lot Bober for helping me with this one. :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Raoul thanks a lot for your help. :thumbsup_anim: I really appreciate it.
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Thanks a lot Raoul. But can you also tell me how should i apply reg tweaks for theme? Is there any special file i should modify or should i just add it using cmdlines.txt?
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi, Finally got it WORKING Here is the integration order: RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.3.7z OnePiece_WMP11AddOn_INTL_For_WinXP_Only_for_RVMi.7z(Read Carefully to use it properly) OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v1.0.1_AddOn_ENU.7z DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z Ricks_XP_to_MCE05_en.7z Ricks_VistaMediaCenter2.3_en.7z RedDXRuntimes_0.7.0_32bit.cab Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.rar Kels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rar Ricks_UltimateSounds_AddOn_en.7z Ricks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7z xable_CalcPlus-v1.3_addon.cab I didn't integrate all of them together. I integrated in groups like above. Now everything is working fine. Rick can you kindly tell me how can i manually set the theme because every time Media Center theme is selected as the default theme even when i mention my own theme in WINNT.SIF file?
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
Thanks a lot for the adding the XPtsp_Diff.7z. I hope this time everything will work out perfectly.
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
Hi, Finally got it WORKING Here is the integration order: RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.3.7z OnePiece_WMP11AddOn_INTL_For_WinXP_Only_for_RVMi.7z OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v1.0.1_AddOn_ENU.7z DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z Ricks_XP_to_MCE05_en.7z Ricks_VistaMediaCenter2.3_en.7z RedDXRuntimes_0.7.0_32bit.cab Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.rar Kels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rar Ricks_UltimateSounds_AddOn_en.7z Ricks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7z xable_CalcPlus-v1.3_addon.cab I didn't integrate all of them together. I integrated in groups like above. Now everything is working fine. Why is the theme automatically changed to the media center theme even when i mentioned the name of the theme in WINNT.SIF file?
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
OK i tried integrating in the following order: RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.3.7z Ricks_XP_to_MCE05_en.7z Ricks_VistaMediaCenter2.3_en.7z Boogy's WMP11 OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v1.0.1_AddOn_ENU.7z RedDXRuntimes_0.7.0_32bit.cab DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.4.7z Kels_CPLBonus_addon_v9.2.8.rar Kels_Runtimes_addon_v5.1.rar Ricks_UltimateSounds_AddOn_en.7z Ricks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7z xable_CalcPlus-v1.3_addon.cab CmdOpen-1.1.10-Addon.7z Flash_ActiveX_10.0.22.87_AddOn.cab Flash_Plugin_10.0.22.87_AddOn.cab HashCheck-2.1.8-Addon.7z Kels_Unicode2008_v1.626.6002.16497_addon NR_CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9.rar NR_VistaUAP_Addon_1.1.cab Ricks_7-Zip4.65_Intl_addon.7z Ricks_AIOVistaAeroCursors_AddOn_v7.07.03. Ricks_CCleaner2.18.878_Intl_addon.7z Ricks_Paint.NET3.36_ROExAddOn.rar Ricks_RecycleBin_SMD_AddOn_v0.4.7z Ricks_Reg2Inf_AddOn_v0.37.7z Ricks_VistaSceenSavers_AddOn_v1.1.rar Ricks_WinRAR_AddOn_v3.8.cab Rubabs_AdobeReader9.1Addon.rar Rubabs_doPDF6.2.289_AddOn.cab Rubabs_JRE_6u13_AddOn.rar Rubabs_KliteMC4.7.5.cab Kels_ResourceHacker_V3.4.0.79_CPL_Addon Now i tried integrating the addons twice in the above order and got the same error when it say 'Setup will complete in approximately 15 minutes: "Windows cannot load the Internet Configuration Library (ICFGNT.dll). The following error occured: The specified cannot be found" When it say 'Setup will complete in approximately 13 minutes i got another error: "C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item." Can you tell me what should i cahnge to avoid these errors?
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
Raoul i will also test with the same integration order.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
Just take your time dougiefresh and hopefully this time XPtsp will work perfectly.
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
Sorry for the late reply. I am using the English version of rick's addon but still i am only getting the 'Digital Media Enhancements' not the Media Center itself. Is there any temporary solution for this problem?
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
Hi, I integrated the addons in the following order: RyanVM Update Pack WMP11 One Piece IE8 Addon Redxii's DirectX 9.0c 0.7.0 Addon jd976 DotNet AIO Addon Kels CPL & Runimes Ultimate Sounds Ricks MCE 2005(i checked the hash and it was OK) Vista MCE 2.3(i checked the hash and it was also OK) Ricks XPtsp GUI During the TXT setup where i windows copies files after formattinng, I get 2 errors. The first one says something like Setup.exe is not valid. The second one says cannot copy sysoc.inf . Then i manually checked sysoc.inf and found out that the file was empty. I checked the source before using XPtsp and sysoc.inf was not empty. After i select skip the and the file finishes copying the the PC restarts and an error shows something about lass.exe and it keeps on restarting after showing this same message. I didn't Hex edit anyhting and i didn't select Tab bar and other stuffs. But i did select OEM generator. Please tell me what i am doing wrong?
[AddOn] Windows 7 Media Center 1.0 (English)
Hi rick, I integrated the addons in the following order: RyanVM Update Pack WMP11 One Piece IE8 Addon Redxii's DirectX 9.0c 0.7.0 Addon jd976 DotNet AIO Addon Kels CPL & Runimes Ultimate Sounds(without Holdem)(I edited the file like you mentioned n the post to make it standalone) Your MCE 2005(i checked the hash and it was OK) Vista MCE 2.3(i checked the hash and it was also OK) No XPtsp After setup finishes i can only see 'Digital Media Enhancements' on the start Menu and they are working. But i did't find any Media Ceter there. I am using the latest Virtul Box. Please tell me what i am doing wrong?
[Addon] CabTool v1.8 in SendTo style Build2
Thanks a lot for making this useful AddOn kels.
Installing XP Unattended from USB
Wow! :thumbsup_anim: That article is awesome but it is no what i was looking for. In my last post i told you that i just want to use the USB drive to install XP to the hard disk. I don't want to install XP on the USB drive, just want to use it as a source for installing windows to the hard disk. I actually found the How to install from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI on MSFN. But thanks for your help anyways cause i must agree that the article you gave me is awesome.