Help to find the tweak
Thanks but that is not the tweak used in wintoolkit, i found it elsware though [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]"NoRecycleFiles"=dword:00000001
Help to find the tweak
Hi guys. I would really love to find the "Disable Recycle Bin" in the tweaks section, so that i can manually edit the registry of my friends computer. Is there any one how knows? Thanks
About the disable pagefile tweak
Yes i know but i replyed in the little things topic about disablepagefile tweak in AIOT, and that it didn´t work! does my retweak and the one inside AIOT look the same?
About the disable pagefile tweak
Hi guys! Finally i got it to work! This regtweak works great, haven´t been able to test it integrated to an install dvd since the bsod problem is still present. If anyone would like to try it its attached, and Lego if you could add it to the tweaks section of AIOT it would be great! DisablePageFile.reg
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
- Regtweaks
The Little Things v2
Tweaks that do not work! Dont know if it´s just me but i never got the disable pagefile tweak to actually disable the pagefile. It stays at windows default whether i apply the tweak or not. Just remebered the increase taskbar thumbnail size didn´t work either.
Hi everyone! Lovely program by the way Lego. To the point: im having serious problems getting registytweaks to work. By that i mean the tweaks i made myself to the registry then exported to .reg files. When trying to integrate thease with both with the registry part of All-In-One Tool and WIN Registry Editor they just won´t apply (stays at windows default). Please help me! To me this is by far the hottest feature in W7T if i could just get it to work! Thanks
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