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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. OH ok The better ones are xpize and xpize darkside. For a more total change their is Vista Transformation pack (Like v7 now) Crystal XP is pretty but limited in its changes. Energize on the XPize form is actually still pretty buggy so I would stay away from it. Personally I used WinntbbuED to make my winntbbu screen, booteditor for the bootscreen and a coupla files like sysdm.cpl and the run box I hand etited them, then XPize darkside to finish it off.
  2. Ok I had a thought I want to add nero infotool to this but it is a meg in size. does anyone mind?
  3. Updated to 3.6 Size - 14.7 kb MD5Hash = 450E97A9BAF7CCD56519A868509DEA3B
  4. OK I will move al of the notepad2 entries at the very bottom of the inf is that suitable???
  5. As long as it is a v6 series yes you can just overwrite it. Any older and I would uninstall first THEN run the silent installer.
  6. for $i = 1 to 26 $Drv = Chr( $i + 64 ) $PRE = _IIf( @HOMEDRIVE = $Drv & ":", "s", "" ) if DriveGetType( $Drv & ":" ) = "Fixed" then $F = DriveSpaceFree( $Drv & ":" ) $T = DriveSpaceTotal( $Drv & ":" ) $P = Round( ($T - $F) / $T * 100 ) for $j = 13 to 1 step -1 if $P <= $Per[$j] then $ICON = $j next if $Pre = "s" then $ICON = _Iif( $ICON = 1, 2, $ICON ) RegWrite( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\" & _ $Drv & "\DefaultIcon", "", "REG_SZ", $PATH & $PRE & $PER[ $ICON ] & ".ico" ) else RegDelete( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons\" & _ $Drv & "\DefaultIcon" ) endif next As you can see from part of the code here that I have pasted auto-it has its own functions to determine fixed and system drives... So I honestly can't answer why different users may see different drives as the systemdrive.
  7. Sorry won't update regshot as the version in my pack was modified to output readable reg-style formats instead of the hacked up style the new one outputs. inf and reg files are much easier off of the version on my pack. Updated...
  8. It's the BIG, black pic with the word download on it..... http://www.sokoolz.com/addons/r64/VMware6....uilder71105.zip
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