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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Ok here goes *Crosses fingers* I need a little help... My Vidcard died BUT I do have a nVidia 5200 pci card I am using. (I only have agp capabilities if anyone has something laying around.) The main thing I am looking for is a CPU upgrade to an "AthlonXP 3200+ w\400 FSB" (Thants the max my mobo can handle right now I am using a 2600+) There only like 50 bucks but I live on disability. Can anyone help me? P.S. Look for a new WPI in the next coupla weeks
  2. Ouch what a pain in the a$$! These may be nice but the really make it difficult todo anything.
  3. Yeah baby ****ing sweet.....
  4. You need to go into the system32 dir and find the relevant .cpl files for JUST those ones and delete them, the newer cpl all in one uses reg entries instead of cpl files so you will be safe to do that. REMEMBER to delete JUST the .cpl foles like bootvis and memtest the ones you have doubling of...
  5. Sorry guys there was a flaw in the addons but it is fixed now...
  6. It should only uninstall one version m8
  7. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA You used 2 different versions of my control panel didn't you? Simply goto addremove programs and uninstall the CPL all in one...
  8. I will make this as simple as I can since you seem to be having a hard time following directions. #1 Press the button on your keyboard with the windows symbol and the button "r" at the same time. This will bring up the runbox. Copy the following into it "tskill vistadrive" #2 Copy the following and paste it into a new notepad window. JUST the stuff between the code section. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "VistaDrive"=- Save as vdrive.reg and then run it. Then just delete the vistadrive folder.
  9. Always be free to ask for anything you need we will help you as much as we can.
  11. Ok all written up just grab and run the silent installer. It will stop vistadrive.exe and restore the original icons. Then it will copy new icons to vistadrive folder to ensure you have all of the proper icons and restart vistadrive. Then browse to your computer after like 30 seconds and all should be fine. Remember this is a SILENT INSTALLER only double-click on it once! Clicking on it 50x will just bog youre system down and may cause errors. There will be no confirmation boxes or popups it just does its job.
  12. Let me write something up for you it might not be ready for a coupla hours so please be patient..
  13. WAIT! Is it a removable drive? i.e. a usb or SATA hotswap plug in type drive?
  14. ok I will look at the code and see whats up. For now kill the vistadrive process and restart it. C:\windows\vistadrive.exe
  15. A drive like that should never freeze up on you...
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