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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. dougiefresh updated his source code so for a better changelog you will have to ask him! Download Here = www.wpiw.net/downloads/Kels_VistaDriveIndicator_addon_v1.6.CAB Size - 172 kbs MD5Hash = E37A997A51E5F24138BDC6500C66AD7E
  3. Pretty dang nice! (Little too yellow for me though)
  4. betwenn music and music videos I have @ 60 gigs...
  5. nope it will modify your uxtheme.dll during the integration process.
  6. HEY I want that wallpaper that is very nice!
  7. @ Provolino = Doesn't matter either way is fine. @ All! = Updated!
  8. I can do really good reviews just send the stuff here.
  9. I think from the content of the file it is designed to allow 10 connections per server.
  10. Hmmm I don't see that key in my reg either... ?!??!?!?!?!?
  11. I'll put in my vote for the fact that Nortons sucks!
  12. Win2003 Download here! Win2k Download here! Evil Vista (800x600 only) Download here!
  13. Formm one of the "geeks" AHHAHAHHAAHHH nice to meet you.!
  14. Thx for the info (I never use windows or microsoft update though).
  15. Kelsenellenelvian


    Thank you very much for editing your post.
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