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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Good job guys!
  2. Hi

    Kelsenellenelvian replied to Sreejith's post in a topic in Introduction
  3. Kelsenellenelvian replied to khan's post in a topic in Introduction
    They are other forms of forum software...
  4. **** I never even noticed there was an auto-update feature! Next time I get a good donation I may just donate to them for it!
  5. NEC all the way...
  6. NEEDED CHANGES FOR 5.6!!! To update other themes not posted here from 5.5 to 5.6: copy DefaultImage*.jpg from the \\WPI\Themes\Classic folder to \\WPI\Themes\"your theme" copy GenUID*.jpg from the \\WPI\Themes\Classic folder to \\WPI\Themes\"your theme" add the following code to the \\WPI\Themes\"your theme"\wpi.css file .ftxt { font-family: arial; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000; font-size: 8pt; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 10px; } 5.6 Ready Themes!!! Vista based on BoardBabes Royale theme: Download Here! Wolf_Vista by WolfX2! Download Here! Almulders theme: Download Here! "EverDawn2" by me (only for 1280x1024!) Download Here! Everdawn Theme: Download Here! "Homepage v2" By me: (1280x1024) Download Here! "Kimbra" dedicated to my wife: Download Here! Mritter's EU_Dock theme: Download Here! Muiz Download Here! Royale Theme once done by BoardBabe Updated by Dynaletik Download Here! "Tiny" Optimized for 800x600: Download Here! Ultimate Theme Download Here! The very original Vaio theme by Hasi_001 Download Here! Homepage for 1024x768 Download Here!
  7. Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications that have been configured into WPI. Here is the 5.6 changelog: v5.6 Updates - Released November 19, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Lawrenca wrote a script to use 7-Zip to extract archives via a new command call %extract%. %extract% z:\archive.rar t:\ * Added combo boxes before all Command lines to add paths and DOS commands easier. All paths/commands will appended at the end. * The Config wizard will now auto-size itself to maximum width available to use all available real-estate. * Added combo boxes before Condition and Grayed Condition to make adding condition checks easier. All new coditions will be appended at the end. * Lawrenca wrote code for Config wizard for combo boxes for Dependent Of and Excludes to make selecting values easier. * Fixed a bug in Options wizard. Check On Load was never being set to proper value. * Added a default image button in Config wizard next to the picture file gadget for entries without an image. Default: Graphics\InstallPackage.png * Fixed a bug in Add entry in config wizard. * Added FILEMOVE and DELDIR to Config wizard. * Tweaked the Config wizard to handle name changes and Clone entries better. * Added a button next to Unique ID to generate a new id manually/automatically. * Moved hotkeys from Alt+ to Ctrl+. * Fixed a huge bug dealing with displaying the category name in the install window. It was not honoring the sort order, just alphabetizing every time. * Fixed a bug dealing with the loading of the tool tip style. * Added class ftxt (force text color) to wpi.css. Default is red so know what items are under a Forced condition. * Reduced the time required to create the Navigation panel by 50%. * Updated the look of the manual interface. Added 'Expand All' and 'Collapse All' at the bottom. =============================================================================== Notes and Extras Suggested disk folder layout: With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like: %wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe I have seperated the tools out from the main archive. You can download the tools here: Tools archive. Contents of the tools archive: WPI Config Lister CDSwitch autorun.inf <-- Updated and fixed wpi.ico New icon thanks to WolfX2 TaskKillS.exe from sadicq TaskKillS Instructions Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI with runonceex. To make use of this archive all you need to do is unRAR it and place the %oem% folder beside the I386 and WPI folders. %OEM% Folder. Contents of the %OEM% archive: Media Center Style XP Theme (Will Optimize the look of the installer window) cmdlines.txt runonceex.cmd 1379 .png images for your pleasure to use in your tooltips or whatever! PNG Collection. Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI! Ok this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for Windows Defender Beta 2 This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd. Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program! #1 Place the desired app in the install folder. (In this case WindowsDefender.msi) #2 Run WPI.hta and choose
  8. Kelsenellenelvian replied to NIM's post in a topic in Hardware Field
    I have a set of Logitech speakers that are VERY similar to the ones you have ported here and I can honestly say they are the best I have ever had!
  9. :help: :sick01: :sick02: :who-let-rip: :argue:
  10. I will be 33 on Dec 8th Pocatello, ID (for now) Disabled
  11. I like the colored flag the best!
  13. taskmgr.exe <-- this is the cammand for the task manager. sol.exe <-- this is the command for solitaire format c: <-- This one is just for fun!
  14. yeah that is what he is trying to say.
  15. Happy birthday from me too!
  16. Sweet!
  17. Wow MGadAllah slow down and take a breath.
  18. Try searching Ryans forums it was dome by me a loooooong time ago. Well **** why not? Here is the direct link!
  19. 135 Visual Styles! for your use and enjoyment in XP and 2003 Changelog: Added a 61 more visual styles! Changed the name of the addon! Zion Zune 7 Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2) Aero UI (Day) Aero UI (Night) Allure Beige Bikini Black BlackGold BlackIce BlandXP Blink BlueHeart BlynkNET Bugatti ProBlue Calypso CatalystVS Celestial ChaNinjaStyle_RC5 ChaNinjaStyle_RC5_Bonus Classic CoolXP4 corona Crystal dlb 2 Crystal dlb BE CrystalAero cxpae DarkLibar DarkWall Descent Diamond DragonStyle Element ElementA Energy Blue eXistenZ Fiesta first Forever Blue G2 GoldCoast Gray GreyOb InsetRed InspiratSE InspiratSECompakt Jade Style Kimbra LE5 LiQuidskY Longhorn Aero Luna (Longhorn Revolution) Luna Lite Luna Royale LunarBlue Mac OS X Midnight MidniteXP MindWood Misfit mrs mix blue MRSSILVER msn MtlBlade MX5 Natural NewXP NightElf NightMove Octalized Office 2007 OpusOS OSXP OSXP1 Palladium Patriotic PHENOM Pipeline Platinum Platinum Mist Remix Plex Style Plex Style (Media Center Edition) plexiglas v2 Pristine Q RedDragon Redvista_?? Reflections RhodiumX Royal Full Start Menu Royal_Five_Color_Mod Royale Royale06 Royale Glass Royale Noir RoyalFour RoyalInsLong RoyalInsMac RoyalMod Sentinel_A Sentinel_B Shine Signs Simplex3 Simplex6 Slate Athens Slate PDC Slate Refresh Slate XP Soft Silver Static View SunSetBall TallyHawk The Blue ThinVista Trekgrey Trippin true Vertigo Vista VistaCG VistaPerfection VistaXP VS7 War3ORC WatercolorLite Windows MAX V4 Windows Xp Style Wood WinVista Wood Xanadu XoddX XPAmp Download here! www.wpiw.net/downloads/Kels_Visual_Styles_addon_v2.CAB Size - 36.3 megs MD5Hash = EB1E127F1F2B0029309D49783B956E31
  20. Bleeeech "Classic" Great addition to my theme collection though.
  21. I got really inspired by the Zune theme. So I made a varation of it! Changelog: Fixed the wallaper issue 4 Wallpapers by WolfX2 4 alternate wallpapers by RaGhul Added 4 actual theme files Re-organized the msstyles file Added in the highspins cursor Pack! WolfX2 made 4 nice wallpapers to go with this theme! Green, Blue, Grey and Pink RaGhul made 4 alternate wallpapers to go with this! Green, Blue, Grey and Pink 5 Colors each with a compact version for a total of 10 choices! Full shellstyles for all of them. Download here! www.wpiw.net/downloads/Themes_Kels_Midnight_Addon_1.8.cab Size - 1.01 megs MD5Hash = 23AEBF8F657E244923A6CF42DD45AB0D