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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. OK heres the beef: I fixed and tested the inf error. Cannot reproduce your iso error BUT can see where it may be happening. Try this one and if not I have a newer version with a couple of changes.
  2. You do know she is the love child of marilyn manson and madonna right
  3. I am still here just got REALLY busy. Have to go have a tooth taken out in like 15 minutes Will message back with news after I take a nap after that.
  4. WinMFC ;Windows Management Framework Core Top level option OPMWXPUP BrowserChoice WinRM PowerShell PowerShellISE MicrosoftUpdate Silverlight DirectX MDX MSXML4 WDSearch IMAPI2 ICCDSCD WgaNotify WRMC BitLockerToGo Well see considering that nLite doesn't know what MOST of these things even are you will HAVE to just buckle down and use the RVMi...
  5. What is the error? Check your i386 folder and see if the SETUPLDR.BIN is all in uppercase.
  6. You are breaking it by removing things! My guess is it is one or more of these: Internet Connection Wizard Internet Information Services (IIS) Help and Support Security Center Tour Indexing Service Basically the update packs now add ALOT and nearly any removal can break them. P.S. Never remove sevices just disable them.
  7. NOOB mistake! please take this file and drop it into your I386 folder.
  8. You can always get more space by becoming a sponsor.
  9. Actually yes there is some news: There is, a couple of programmers working on a better iso maker. The finishing touches SHOULD be done in like 12-16 hours. (We all need sleep) I wasn't satisfied with the full methods of even the improved one I linked to. Please check back in like a day for an updated version of the UberPacK!
  10. Ok I went for a different direction! I am adding it to the sendto folder now. Please grab the archive attached and un-rar then run the makeiso.exe It will add the "ISO Creator" SendTo menu! Now remember a folder cannot have spaces in the name. Try it out and let me know. (I went this way because I never liked having the makeiso options appear EVERWHERE including the recycle bin!)
  11. Sigh! OK I am working on a different version that will be a bit cleaner. Hopefully we can get this fixed once and for all.
  12. I got him for both sig and avatar rick. Have a happy vacation m8!
  13. The toolkit is way more effective for your\our uses. P.S. In the toolkit you will find the rebuild option by going into tools --> wim manager.
  14. Actually lego added recompress all to the toolit a few versions ago! Works MUCH faster than vLite...
  15. Having her divorce you when she finds out it was eight-hundred and fifty-five bucks PER BOTTLE? TOTALLY WORTH IT
  16. Distilled beer in a rodent jar? $855 The nachos to go with it? $3.50 Having your gf or wife blow chunks all over your when she sees you frenching\drinking from a dead rodent? $Priceless
  17. You are using Win7 This is widely known to have issues with nLiting processes... Please try again from a WinXP Virtual (Or Real) Machine.
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