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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. OK I previously mentioned my custom wim that has 33 versions of Win7 on it right? Being OCD I am still working on it. But I have run into a MAJOR snag. When I integrate a tiny addon the wim file size soars!!! Example: Before addon = .wim file size is 4.29 gigs After integrating the addon to all x86 (18 of them) parts my .wim size grows to 4.56 gigs. :o Addon size? 32.1kb WTH??? I have a theory! Legolash when recapturing the wim (Or however it is done what compression level are you using? None, Fast or Maximum? Ideally while it is a bit slower you should set it to maximum. When I built my wim I max-compressed all images and I think that is where the issue is....
  2. Der thats right. So then is there a way to delete files via the same process? (Like the sample music files) Even if I have to make a addon that has the commands in it. How would I do that? I would like to delete the music samples and a couple of other minor things from ALL of them that are common to all images. Then we could make a handfull of "deletion addons"
  3. oguz = I have updated the post here. What user_hidden meant was that I already updated this I just didn't update the page here.
  4. MAD\CRAZY suggestion: I dun know if it's already possible. I want to add an addon\driver\Custom wallpaper\Logon Screen to ALL versions at ONCE! I know I am insane, right? See my collection's disk I have made with guimagex has 30+ versions of Win7 on it and doing each version at once would be mind boggling... (Took me FOREVER to make too)
  5. Change defualt crap. Like wallpapers, logon and such.
  6. Took some time top translate the whole thread. My decision still stands.
  7. Asking for help with warez on your first post\thread is VERY uncool!!! THis is your first and last warning, I will be watching you!
  8. Without a link you probably won't get one made either...
  9. Appearently you don't know the difference because this: [SetupHotfixesToRun] %SystemDrive% & cd\ & Start /wait /separate /high "" DPsFnshr.exe IS NOT cmdlines-style coding... This: [COMMANDS] "VisualStyles.exe" "Customfiles.exe" "Fonts.exe" "renuser.exe Administrator Kelsenellenelvian" "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection RunWPI.inf,,1,N" is cmdlines-style coding...
  10. Why in the hell are you doing it twice? Both things do the SAME THING! You only need one method. To bypass that popup you only need to add this reg entry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;============================================================================ ;======================= GENERAL WINDOWS TWEAKS =========================== ;============================================================================ ; Disable Windows Tour [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour] "RunCount"=dword:00000000
  11. Sure one of us will find and download the THOUSAND or so SATA drivers out there and whip one right up... Seriously though just use a driverpack...
  12. zookey has been givin a vacation for 3 days. Flaming and mistreatment of others will not be tolerated. el zookey ha sido givin a las vacaciones por 3 días. El flamear y el maltratamiento de otros no serán tolerados.
  13. Does this support silent switch usage? If not would you please add it in?
  14. I can I dl'ed and checked it out. It is the same as you get from their site...
  15. The package is not, however rebi must be using a cracked version if his shows that
  16. SAME HERE!!! I tried all last night. I can get it to 230 megs and thats all...
  17. I am not fightin you... It is just customary to show the homepage of the softs creator.
  18. Would you kindly add a homepage\source to your post?
  19. Hey you are the one that sent it to me... Bitch at yourself...
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