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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. I JUST checked the main site for hashcheck and I see no update... :questionmark:
  2. Hey were did my throw up\sick smiley go??? This is one damned ugly XP Warez release.
  3. Spent ALL morning on my crappy laptop. Finally made a set of corrections that are reproduceable with good effects. I tried from desktop, c: drive and d: drive, plus a handfull of random locations. Please try the newest release.
  4. Had a brilliant moment: Please try this for me: Edit makeiso.cmd to this @Echo Off Start wscript "%~dp0makeiso.vbs" "%*" And run this reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO\command] @="C:\\Windows\\system32\\makeiso.cmd \"%1 /b\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Make Data ISO\command] @="C:\\Windows\\system32\\makeiso.cmd %1\"" It was all in the quotes! It works over here...
  5. No I don't generally keep the old ones lying around. My solution for now is simply to remove the iso tweak. It's so hard to believe that so many people actually use it....
  6. OK I fixed that locally but now the damned .vbs script moves the iso to different places...
  7. Wizardry Gold! I STILL play it and have written a guide for it...
  8. I see a tiny issue with your config file m8 You are denoting and assuming everyone uses the "C" drive. This is not so...
  9. His addon is fine and has been for a loooooong time.... Simple answer? If you are not sure then don't use it.
  10. Revisitng this now. Got a mkisofs change in the mail I will make that change for you... I will make a seperate colorcop addon. Also what is the issue with regshot?
  11. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/6698-kels-x64-cpl-bonus-pack-v16/
  12. I am talking about this one. The icons appear IDENTICAL to mine and the inf is MINE. I see ONE icon different!
  13. Please, by all means start a new thread. I am still very much around I just don't have the paitience or time for this one right now...
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