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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Lier! You did NOT create this! It is the EXACT same as mine. I give you ONE chance to remove yours and retract this addon or I will ban you.
  2. He has been suspended. He was making a warez XP release....
  3. #1 The cpl lite pack doesn't have ANYTHING todo with system performance. #2 Maybe a reinstall is in order?
  4. OK here is the deal: Goto the home page and download a fresh copy. Then upgrade your current WPI with it. How to upgrade? 1.Download and unRAR to a different location. 2.From your old WPI folder, copy config.js, useroptions.js, and windowoptions.js from WPIScripts to the new WPIScripts folder. 3.Copy your Audio folder from old to new. 4.Copy your Install folder from old to new. 5.Copy Themes folder from old to new. 6.Rename or move your old folder in case something goes wrong. 7.Move the new WPI folder to where you want it. THEN update your scripts to point to WPI.exe NOT WPI.hta! We now are using a custom .exe to start wpi and this should fix your problem.
  5. All of the extra punctuations (Periods and question marks) I told you to stop using. It seems very rude and demanding.
  6. Same effin thing. You dl the theme and extract it to the themes dir then select it. ONE MORE WARNING ABOUT THE PUNCTUATION MARKS. Use that amount again and I will ban you!
  7. OK NOW STOP WITH THE PUNCTUATION MARKS! IT IS PI$$IN ME OFF! You HAVEN'T read the manual fully it is in chapter 2 how to do this sh!t! See attached pic. (Everthing you want is in the style tab.) Practice some patience and better punctuation in the future! Hint: use a name without spaces and place the pic in the graphics folder.
  8. OK did you READ the manual? The cross is the sign of the pic not being able to be displayed... What format are you using? Where is the pic? What did you enter in the options section?
  9. There is NO fool-proof way to protect your CD's... P.S. I prefer microwaving mine for 3 seconds...
  10. HONESTLY??? I had COMPLETLY not known about that option... Well I have added it now and will be implementing it in the rest off these later! (Admin access methods) UPDATED!
  11. Please upload the file you have as I no longer have that one... nm I found it. You HAVE to have a corrupted one as mine extreacts with just winrar....
  12. Ummm register\unregister dll\ocx\ax is already in it... AudioShell causes random explorer lock-ups Besides this is my LITE pack...
  13. Real Name: Troy Taylor (Yuck) Preferred Name: Kelsenellenelvian EverDawn Born: 1973\12\08 Lived in the U.S.A. All of my life Served in the first Gulf war in the Navy. Now disabled (I am crazy) I am married (16+years now) and have 3 kids, want one? I am trying to give them away Spent a little time in jail. FULLY self taught on PC's BOTH hardware and programming. Have a side business repairing and maintaining PC's (Brings in a little extra cash)
  14. Because I had BOTH 64bit and 32bit versions of office installed so niether fix would install proprely.
  15. HUGE pain in my ass! lol I HAD to uninstall ALL offic products and install the fix to get it working...
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